A new report details how a PR firm paid off critics to post positive reviews of 2018 drama Ophelia on Rotten Tomatoes, prompting scrutiny over the reviews aggregator.
If you think RT hasn’t been in active incentive based collusion with studios and critic for years, you’re the type of purposefully ignorant that advertisers make their bread and butter off of. RT was been corrupt since they sold out, and that was a very very very long time ago now.
Also, the last jedi. Both are terrible movies. I had the same experience when watching both and thought I must be tripping balls and hallucinating at how bad both films were.
If you think RT hasn’t been in active incentive based collusion with studios and critic for years, you’re the type of purposefully ignorant that advertisers make their bread and butter off of. RT was been corrupt since they sold out, and that was a very very very long time ago now.
Didn’t they actively and very publicly suppressed reviews on a few movies because they called it brigadier? I think one was girl Ghostbusters?
Also, the last jedi. Both are terrible movies. I had the same experience when watching both and thought I must be tripping balls and hallucinating at how bad both films were.