Talk about your recent reads here with your fellow community members!

Everyone is welcome to discuss and share ideas on what they’ve been into this past week/month. This is where you can get suggestions for new manga while also connecting with those reading the same series.

Feel free to write a whole essay or just a sentence. Ask for recommendations and/or give them. Just comment on whatever you feel. The goal is to get users talking so the more the merrier. Just remember to be respectful because we’re all here to talk about what we love and have fun while doing so.

    2 years ago

    I’ve been slowly reading The Dragon, The Hero, and The Courier. It’s enjoyable and pretty unique but not something I can binge. There’s far too many words and dialogs. In some mangas, I don’t mind skipping dialogs here and there (eg when the author spends 2-3 pages on some backstory that I don’t really care for), but I feel every piece of dialog here is important or funny.

      2 years ago

      I agree it’s hard to binge. Which is a good thing for me because I’m like a cat and if I can binge I’ll binge till I choke and die. Too many details for me to eat too fast here. This is one of the only manga where I’ll actually read the end of chapter fun facts/non story stuff and learn.