Title reads like an onion headline.
I legit thought it was a joke too.
It reads like thick satire, I think it’s a joke.
Edit: I think I misinterpreted you referring to Apple and not the article. Oh well lol.
I read it in the voice of Professor Farnsworth lol
I thought it was at first… Had to peruse the comments to be sure I wasn’t the only one.
What happens if I use it on an Android phone? Will it burst into flames?
A chemical compound causes the cloth to turn blue when polishing an iPhone, green when polishing an Android. It’s only a subtle difference.
Tim Apple shows up at your house with a baseball bat.
It’s ok though, he just wants to talk.
You might want to watch out your front window Larry, you’ll see what happens when you fuck a stranger in the ass.
*find a stranger in the Alps
This voids the cloths warranty.
Don’t exaggerate! Just a lawsuit.
Don’t they handle that on their own?
Is it certified for clockwise wiping only, or is it bidirectional?
I think it is a subscription based model.
It’s the opposite of whatever everyone else does
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Wiping in a motion that resembles an apple with a bite out of it
Wax on, wax off.
You’re wiping it wrong.
Depends on your hemisphere.
Coriolis effect, of course.
I had to Google this because I didn’t believe it was a real product.
Why on Earth would you buy one of these? You can literally wipe your phone screen with a microfibre cloth and you can buy a bunch of them for about £2.
Or do what everyone does and wipe back and forth real fast on your shirt
Been doing that for a lot of years, never had an issue.
Shirt doesn’t get it as clean and clear as a microfiber cloth. I have a few very large microfibers that I keep around the house and at least one in the car.
Also, shirt can and will scratch the screen, maybe not noticeable at first but over time it will do damage.
Eh it gets it clean enough for my purposes (no fingerprints). And I always have a screen protector on my devices so if anything it’s damaging that. I’ve had a smart phone since an old-school Blackberry World Edition from shit…2007? Though I guess my first touch screen one was a Blackberry Storm a year later. Regardless, never had any issues whatsoever. That’s obviously anecdotal but still.
I think I got ny first blackberry around the same time. Still have my 9700 around here somewhere and last time I checked it still worked. Maybe I notice it more but the shirts I wear don’t clean my glasses or my phone very well, all they do is move the oils around and it isn’t as clear as it can be.
I’ve stopped worrying about screen protectors with the latest editions of gorilla glass.
I’ve been cleaning my iphone XS with my shirt for 5 years straight and the screen isn’t scratched at all.
It may not look scratched to your eye but unless you are only using pure cotton fabric and not cleaning the screen while wearing any of the moisture wicking work out shirts that are full of plastic, it’s most definitely scratched by now. Especially if you have been using the same phone for 5 years.
With the hardened glass going into phones combined with the oleophobic coatings they get, you really aren’t likely to do a bit of damage for the light rubbing you need to get oils off the screen.
This shows that you don’t actually understand how these hardened glasses actually work. They can most definitely still be scratched even if it’s micro abrasions. Plus the oleophobic coating doesn’t protect against scratched, it helps prevent fingerprints and that coating along with any others will get worn down even faster.
The oleophobic coating means the oil should come off quickly with fewer passes by your shirt, because it doesn’t really adhere to the screen like it would without the coating. So just less chance for abrasion over the lifetime of the glass due to less rubbing.
Right but that coating can come off with an abrasive cloth. The oleophobic coating doesn’t last forever and between our hands, pockets, etc, it eventually wears down. Polishing the screen with an abrasive fabric (even if it doesn’t feel abrasive to you) only hastens that wear.
Holy shit is the ignorance palpable here.
I’ll bet you blew into your game cartridges as well and still have no idea that was the cause of the issues with games.
I’m done here. You have no idea when to shut up and stop mumbling over your own foot.
If we used to be able to clean screens with a cloth, and now need a microfiber to not damage it, that means it was a downgrade.
You’ve always “needed” a soft cloth to clean glass of any kind. This is not a downgrade, it’s doing the best you can to preserve things.
I wonder how many people in these threads also use vinegar to clean their led/lcd tvs and monitors? If you are, stop it. It’s also not a downgrade to not use acid.
As I said in another comment. Most clothing now has plastic in it, that is way more abrasive than pure cotton.
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So you always wear a perfectly clean 100% cotton shirt? More clothing than you realize has plastic in it these days and can be very abrasive.
I’ve been doing the same for nearly as long. Maybe you don’t wear glasses with any of the extra coatings on it, I do and can tell you that it will scratch them. I’ve never had a shirt get any glass as clean as a microfiber cloth or towel.
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Fine print: use of non-Apple cleaning tools voids warranty.
Well, this looks more premium. I’d be willing to buy it for up to 5 bucks.
Edit: $19, way too much
Part of me is curious what could possibly make it so expensive. The other part knows it’s just Apple tax. Both parts would like to touch it.
They put extra worker exploitation in this one
I have one (came with my display) and it works really well. Plus it’s safe for their nanotextured displays (which are sensitive to having their nanotexturing worn off by cloth that’s even mildly abrasive).
Like when I put my phone in and out of my pocket? Lol
More like when someone leaves a fingerprint on actual professional image editing equipment (refer to this insightful post by another lemmyng) and just rubbing spit on the screen will damage to screen.
For a phone screen, this cloth is overkill and absolutely unnecessary. You should put a sacrificial glass screen over expensive-to-replace phone screens anyway.
Phewww… I thought I have to buy the iSwipe Pro Max 27 for $1,000 to clean my new iPhone
Apple assures us that this cloth, with its supple “nonabrasive material,” can “safely and effectively” clean any Apple display, even the high-tech nano-texture glass of the Pro Display XDR.
If the insinuation is that the Pro Display XDR has glass that needs special care, that sounds like a product that many would not consider a good choice for “pros”.
All the reviews says that the incredibly expensive monitor has that micro texture on the glass that will impregnate with finger oils making it extremely hard to clean. So when a client touches your screen (because clients always need to physically touch your screen when they need to prove their point) it will leave a permanent mark on it. So “pro”
My old manager once drew on my screen with his pen when pointing out something.
He would also leave his coffee cups on my desk including a nasty ring.
I was so glad when he left, and am even more glad to work from home where people can’t draw on my damn monitor.
I have another point that I don’t see talked about a lot that I would like to consider. Their XDR Pro model is targeting actual professionals in the video field. Unlike pretty much everything that Apple makes, this monitor is comparable (and downright cheap) when compared side by side with other industry standard color calibrated video monitors. Professional grade video equipment has always been super expensive, and it’s not just an Apple thing. For example, here’s a Sony model commonly used in live broadcast. Same size, but the Apple monitor is actually 1.6X as bright for HDR, it’s higher resolution, and less than half the price. The only downsides being no SDI input, but it can still be used for post-processing just fine, or even live with a converter box. It also informs why the stand for the monitor doesn’t come standard, and is expensive as hell— it’s because they don’t expect anyone in their target market to buy it. They expect most of these monitors to be installed as a drop in replacement in color grading workflows or broadcast trucks, which are all pretty much fully vesa mounted already anyway.
In that context, their XDR Pro monitor makes perfect sense. On a cost basis alone, Apple’s monitor offering is very competitive for the professional video demographic they’re targeting. It’s not for the average power user, it’s for people whose literal sole job rides on colors being accurate.
As for the polishing clothes, yes they’re expensive when purchased separately, but they come “for free” in the box. I would rather they sell them separately than not at all, but the screen really doesn’t require anything special, just any old microfiber cloth should be fine, as long as the cloth is kept clean. Even that markup isn’t insane IMO, it appears to only be a 5-10$ markup on an accessory of a monitor they expect to be very low volume.
Overall, I think the product is just misunderstood more than anything. I don’t think it’s being advertised wrong, I think Apple just has such a proclivity to advertise their other products wrong that people’s expectations aren’t set correctly for when they are actually addressing the actual professional market (cough cough the iPhone PRO, a product that isn’t really a “professional” product in any sense of the word). These are just what professional grade products cost. Sure it’s expensive, but that’s what they have to cost to make these devices viable for any business to manufacture. The combination of low volume, high cost for components with a better than average precision, and pro grade calibration means that they just plain cost a lot more to make.
Equipment like this and the Sony monitor above are used in environments where they just need to work EVERY single time, and there is 0 room for failure. As an example, running shading (color grading) on a live broadcast, think events like the super bowl. Using any old monitor, you may not be able to tell the coke ad you are cueing up is going through your shading workflow, and their red branding is slightly off-color. That could easily be a million+ dollar mistake, I’ve seen similar things actually happen in the field (with other advertisers I will not mention for my own sake). Or god forbid you loose picture entirely. I’ve been in similar positions, and broadcast engineers/companies will pay any amount of money to make sure their equipment is top of the line, and won’t fail ever. If you don’t believe me, take a look at some other pro grade video gear, like a grass valley kayenne. The scale of money is simply, different with pro video equipment.
This article is really trying for an eye-rolling kind of tone while at the same time, literally just being an advertisement for new Apple products.
Yep. That’s iVerge for you.
Don’t know why but polishing cloth strikes me as slightly dirty lol
Exit: would also accept “rubs me the wrong way”
This is why I like apple.
I just updated the firmware of my apple cloth and now it cleans 10% faster.
ahem… Don’t you mean 10% slower?
There’s a negative impact overall since apple throttled swipe speed due to aging cloth nonabrasive material.
But I feel 13% happier so that would offset the negative impact.
Knowing Apple, they must have thought about a way to make old polishing cloths specifically incompatible with their newer screens.
Though soon it will be transitioning to a subscription based model.
Lower upfront cost, but they get you in the long run.
Slow news day?
Dunno how. Biggest tech news of the year broke yesterday.
Which news was that?
Apple has improved the Cloth Compatibility™ by introducing a few new devices that’ll need cleaning.
But does it still support the first-gen iPhone?
Compatibility only goes back to the iPhone 5.
I’m surprised they didn’t mention it during their totally not cringeworthy meeting with mother nature