Imo velocity and user experience aren’t mutually exclusive, as a developer I can respond to user requests way faster with web technologies.
As a consumer vscode is a perfect example of why the ecosystem has value, are there other products that fill the same roles? Absolutely, but if you were around for the transition from bloodshed, codeblocks, eclipse and the like to sublime and vscode and other more modern editors you should remember how gamechanging the positive feedback loop of velocity achieved for the dev community in the form of user experience.
I’m a software person, llm tools for programming have been frankly remarkable. In my cleanest codebases copilot (using gpt4) autocompletes my intention correctly about 70% of the time today, reducing the amount of code I physically type by a huge margin. The accuracy shifts over time and it’s dramatically less helpful for repositories that aren’t pristine and full of well named functions and variables
Beyond that chatgpt has been a godsend sifting through the internet for the information I need, the new web feature is just outstanding since it actually gives sources
Chatgpt has also helped with writers block a ton, getting beyond plot points in my novel I was having a hard time with
It’s been great with recipes, no more wading through fake life stories and ads
It’s been helpful for complex questions about new topics I’m an amateur on, I’ve learned so much about neurology and the process of how neurons interact almost exclusively through the platform, fact checking takes a little time but so far it’s been almost perfectly accurate on higher level objective questions
It’s been helpful as a starting place for legal questions, the law is complex and having a starting place before consulting the lawyers has been really nice so I know what to ask
I could go on