Bro is going to sit in a computer for half a year to prepare for the role
Bro is going to sit in a computer for half a year to prepare for the role
Just curious, would a 17 year old with an AK count as a child in this statistic?
Capitalism is when cryptobro scammer defrauds dozens of families and pays methlab oompa loompa in shitcoin
Why are people upset about that, it’s a good joke
People downvoting this thread because they’re not getting that this is satire by the onion makes this post infinitely funnier. Well played OP
*Proceeds to order 30k spare parts for “warranty replacement” to build my own car over a span of 3 years *
I want that shirt
I’m not a shill (and objectively right) but do you know how I can apply? I have these beliefs anyways, might as well get paid
I don’t recall insulting myself. And no, you’re lying when you say that Israel does indiscriminate bombings and just willy nilly killing civilians. Not even the ICJ case you’re probably soying out over tries to allege that. If they were, there would be at least half a million dead by now.
The people in Gaza are already radicalized and have been for years - jike nazi Germany before the war. That’s btw a way better nazi comparison. Just like nazi Germany, the hamas regime is now bombed into submissions and despite everything I’m hopeful that things will continue like with post ww2 Germany with hardcore deradicalization programs in cooperation with the surrounding states.
That’s pretty cool, guess we may be getting better data sooner or later. I’m assuming if they shot them down with patriot, there’s logs for that which will be released at some point
Lmao the human shields thing is just not true. You’d know that if you read more than headlines.
Nope, it’s probably just you who is uninformed on these guys code of conduct. The IDF in particular puts a stop to pillage and even has a unit who’s checking social media for these kinds of behaviors.
Do you want to know more?
Not to be a downer but how credible are these numbers? Aircraft is particularly prone to overclaiming, which is why for example Russia claims they have destroyed more jets than Ukraine had to begin with.
As opposed to the Russians, the Isreali soldiers will actually get punished for looting or breaking stuff.
Hope they got another Lord of War type figure to bail her out
Probability of precipitation
You must be some kind of neurodivergent, right? There’s no way anyone who’s somewhat well adjusted (or at least well medicated) is this unhinged and this historically illiterate. No, even mathematically illiterate. Israel has killed like half of hamas already, while maintaining a combatant to civilian death ratio somewhere between 1-3 & 1-4. This is remarkable since hamas is doing their best to get their own civilians killed by colocating ammo and fuel dumps within civilian infrastructure (warcrime btw) and running their command centers within hospitals (also warcrime). The idea that Isreals military is conducting a genocide is laughable, considering they could have murdered everyone within there within weeks, yet they somehow don’t.
Yeah would be really bad if they were actually doing a genocide then
From what I understand, our chancellor has long claimed that we would need to control the missiles ourselves, which would possibly make us a belligerent. According to these leaks this isn’t the case. This will increase pressure on shipping them to Ukraine so Russia may have shot itself in the foot once again.