I have a cat named Scooter, too. Scooters of the world unite! If there’s treats involved.
I have a cat named Scooter, too. Scooters of the world unite! If there’s treats involved.
Would that help?
I’ve heard that before. Feel like it’s not actually her quote.
Yes! I’m talking and making perfect sense, then it slowly dawns on me that what I’m talking about was actually what I was just dreaming and not reality. Even though I know what happened, it leaves me confused as all hell.
I remember when rec.arts.disney split. There was the voting process whether to split as well as a vote to how it would split, if I remember correctly. I hadn’t thought about that in years.
Alt was the free for all. I learned a lot on alt.atheism, including how threads devolve into chaos and when to walk away.
Thanks fubo, I feel super old now.
RAGE. In the middle of a busy road. So they wanted the poor baby dead but were too fucking cowardly to do it themselves. I hate people. Have your pets spayed or neutered, folks.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m ecstatic that you saved him. I just hate irresponsible pet owners and people who are that callous towards the life of an innocent creature.
I understand what you’re saying. Thanks for answering.
I agree with you that if the OP had used the word happiness instead of spiritual there wouldn’t be any confusion.
Perhaps it comes from the difference in whether one believes in a soul or not? I’m not sure. Honest question, not trying to fight or argue, could you clarify for me what you’re taking issue with?
Do you mean “spiritual” as actually feeling a connection with the rest of all life, or understanding that each person is a tiny speck in an incomprehensibly vast universe, or imagining a connection with a personal deity, or imagining a connection with the dominant deity of the area, or feeling a peaceful satisfaction of connecting with yourself?
Religious people are likely to experience a different interpretation of the word spiritual than non-religious people. The use of the word spiritual at all will likely turn off a large part of the audience.
There is no spiritual world, so all spiritual experiences are occurring only in one’s mind. Whether they’re troublesome or not can depend on whether the observer agrees with the delusion or not. If a person’s delusion aligns with the dominant religion of the area, then chances are good that most of the observers will not consider the delusions to be problematic.
I never thought about it like that, but that explains why I played through Borderlands 2 over and over again while doing chemo. Everything hurt but I could still mow down some baddies.