But magic oil don’t have scientific consensus… I understand what you mean but now. What I mean is that there is a lots of people’s that use research that only go in their sense. Like " Look there is that one research that say what is sell you is true! So if science say it’s true! Then that mean you should use my oil! " People’s who believe in oil don’t believe in scientific consensus. ( Edit 2 : but believe in science when it’s confirm their own beliefs)
And also when I said " For now" It’s because one day we might discover that I dunno, the big bang have not existed. And something else happen. Maybe we are just inside a big black hole. We should always believe in the scientific consensus. But always be ( Edit 3 “open” Your fucking corection :c) to a new consensus. -_-
Edit : And no I don’t believe I am smart. I may be good to question myself and ask questions to myself but I am in fact very dumb. I think a lot but that don’t mean I think right. XD
I don’t think anti-vaxxe is a good thing since we’ve learn a lots about biology. In fact I love that! It’s fascinating. I mean it’s incredible even to imagine who evolution have made our immune system so much amazing!
Yes I know there is a lots of people’s who don’t like to see something because of the title. A lots of conspiracy involve people’s that refuse to see other people’s tough because or scientific consensus because the simple task of reading something that might change their opinions make them feel too uncomfortable.
Sorry about that but have a good day!
I understand really well. Myself can’t help but believe in a lot’s of things. Because I myself don’t have the time or enough knowledge to always make myself in question. I don’t say that we should do that. After all we are not robot. But I think it’s important that sometime we search the opinions of different people’s, people’s that not share the same ideology. Or search article that propose a different opinion.
Can you explain me more your opinion please? You pick my attention.
Why? Random meme is a formate I made because I found something funny and share it. And if I think I have something to say then it’s okey to say it. I don’t really care that you or people’s dislike my opinion. In fact I am happy with that! I really want to ears different opinion. The only thing I hate is when Twitter ideology (cancel culture and plain insult) are involve
Edit : And of you really dislike me or me saying thing then go a laughter out of me. I don’t want to share bad vibe, if really people’s starte to say that my involvement in any way is problematic or that the way I question thing is bad then you can say it to me. You could change my opinion and made me stop!
I delet my reddit. But I made another. The things is I don’t use it anymore. It’s just that I needed to ask a question on a sub -_-
Well I almost use only lemmy, but I can’t always use it. There is still things that I need on reddit.
That why I still use YouTube and google. I have discover others solutions. But somes content like music video and important channel I love are only on YouTube. It’s not that easy to be totally free of all this big websites
My tough is that we should mostly use website like Lemmy on daily basis and use other app/website to get the things that are still lacking. Also try to support Lemmy and other free of companies/decentralized website and promotes them to our family, friends and people’s that we meet online (without insisting or becoming like a secret because it won’t help on the long terms. )
It’s not easy to tell what is a shitpost and what is a meme.
deleted by creator
I didn’t say any time that my sister had s nsfw account. I said secret because she is really private. She even refer herself as a guy and her picture is a guy because she don’t want weirdo to send her dick pick.
Well if it’s the case I will tell her to delete every photo of me and my mom and if she want to ever take pictures of me again she should use an old camera who don’t use internet. And turn the photos real if she want to keeps them. I will also do that.
Aaah. The things we must do to protect our privacy today seriously.
Eh I just change the phrase, I was wrong in the way I spell it sorry about that It was what cause people’s to misunderstood what I mean. If you still think I am wrong then please tell me. If you don’t answer me just have a good day you don’t have to justify or explain thing to me yourself if you don’t think I have the right to have your time.