

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 1st, 2023


  • We used to use virtual box on windows with an immutable hard disk to boot the environment with storage, for persistence, elsewhere (usb for example) if required. Just used standard ubuntu for the guest distro.

    Once you shut down the VM the vhd reverts to as installed. It’s a bit painful distributing the system but can be done.

    You can prevent ordinary users messing with the immutable setting as well if that is a concern.

  • All bikes are repairable, some are more repairable than others. It all depends on how scared you are of getting your hands dirty and how confident you are that you can think your way out of problems.

    My point is that a bike can be really simple and, as such, anything should be possible.

    Modern innovations usually mean a set of tools beyond the basic bike set but the specials are available (bottom brackets are a particular case in point - you use to be able to get away with ponty things and gentle hammering - despite there being tools designed for the job now it’s use our tool or forget it)

    So I would avoid anything too new - get a rat bike from a scrappy and learn how it works whilst rebuilding it.