I know it’s Halloween, but this popped up in my feed and was too spooky even for me 😱
As a side note, what are peoples feelings about Wolfram? Smart dude for sho, but some of the shit he says just comes across as straight up pseudoscientific gobbledygook. But can he out guru Big Yud in a 1v1 on Final Destination (fox only, no items) ? 🤔
Lmaou. “We need to alignment pill the Russian youth.” Fast forward to the year 20XX and the haunted alignment pilled adults are now ‘aligning’ their bots to the world’s top nuclear armed despot.
tony_soprano_how_could_this_happen.jpg (for some reason awful systems won’t let me upload pictures anymore (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ)
Holy Moses in heaven, iirc both Sam and Dario have said that their urge to build the torment nexus came from being inspired by online RAT forums. Maybe alignment ‘pilling’ youths is counterproductive to human flourishing? As the LWers say, “update your priors fuckheads”