Dried legumes, rice. Maybe canned veggies? Honestly just boil/bake your food for now and don’t eat prepacked “fresh meals”.
yeah makes we wonder if it’ll be full avant garde with Dark Math Games going full 80-90s French adventure games
I am legit very interested in this game hopefully becoming realized, also love making gamers
Legit feels Pavlovian, like you’ve sent them back into their teens watching/listening to McCarthy ranting to them on their TV/Radio, it’d be funny if it wasn’t so horrifically sad
Say goodbye to never having any type of exercise without back pain
Literally talking with 99% of boomers and trying not to say socialism or communism when they already agree with 100% of your talking points.
Looks more like the DPRK style, but Singapore also has some really nice social housing though not on the scale of China, Vietnam or North Korea
Latest Pathfinder, though chunky rules wise given it’s origin, has been doing a good job taking the 2nd place of best known RPG especially after the whole WoTC going after third party content creators and pissing all over the community. There’s also a new boom in indie TTRPGs which is nice.
“Don’t do anything, you might break it again.”
Looks like they might break it again
Young Jake Black was good I just feel now in the era of continual media making and consumption he is now self insert “omg Jake Black!!!” instead of willing or being offered to actually play a character which is horrifyingly depressing. In fact Jake Black and Mamoa are examples of actors being reduced into their names the way capitalist media commonly reduces the arts down into the most easily consumable and marketable pieces like slop sold to readily hungry pigs
Solitary better be in her future or else gen pop is gonna deliver some justice to her
Ah the continued harvest of Ukraine by western capital continues…
Freakin’ Cowboyaboos…
To add to the Necrons as well is you have Necron Lords that are genderfluid and so commonly change it up every millennia or so, i.e. “I awoke from my most recent sleep program and I’m feeling like a woman for this cycle”.
Hell in one of the novelizations you have a Sister of Battle that more or less describes them transitioning to become a sister of battle.
Anyway I love tabletop games and such but fuck do I hate a specific subset of the fandom and relish them being as the gaming space opens up to more people
I think it’s referenced as one of the failed cities, don’t know if it was Winterhome or not
This is a overgeneralization of gaming that just looks at the very top film of “AAA” content, peer below and you see an actual microcosm of indie development and AA content being made by smaller dev groups and publishers as well as more international dev houses making games (A Space for the Unbound for instance is a banger game out of Indonesia). Don’t expect a return to pre skinner box “AAA” content (whatever the fuck that once was), it won’t happen.
Tldr: stop buying shit games and try out non mass market appeal games
Gamers sadly do not want to acknowledge good indie games