Getting bullied is not the same as being a “MINORITY”. White kids who are not minorities in North America but get bullied all the time in school. Not eating flesh of a mammal or fish etc doesn’t mean you are a “minority”. Like I said, I’ve experienced life as a veggie. Is it annoying? The stupid questions, the comments people make? Yes. But I’ve never had a cop pull me over and worry about whether I’ll die that day because I don’t eat beef. Or worry, walking down the street, alone at night as a single woman, if I’ll be assaulted because I don’t eat chicken. Non-meat-eaters aren’t minorities in the sense that they are discriminated against in the idea that the word “minority” conjures up. They deal with, at most, someone tricking them into eating meat. Which I’ve had done. It felt violating and offensive but wasn’t any sort of level as someone who is an actual “minority” in our continent.
That sound awful to go through, I’m sorry you experienced that. I feel like I wouldn’t be able to get back on a bike after having major incident like that. Kudos to you for getting back into it. I live in a bike phobic city where people will openly harass you throwing stuff at you like drinks and shout at you if you are riding a bike in the designated bike lane. And there’s been I think 3 - 5 deaths in the last month alone here since it’s too expensive to own a car so there’s more cyclists now. North America needs to work on its car centric problem