Being a Tankie is when you go so far left you end up coming back right and supporting Fascism still.
True communism never existed, supporting anything the Soviet Union did is fascist.
Don’t let the door hit you on the way out, it’s worth more than any conservative is.
Also lol that the “fReE SpEeCh” crowd cries a fucking river whenever people use that free speech to tell them they fucking suck.
What’s more disgusting is the army of bots they used to slander their volunteers. Every subreddit I was actually active in was painfully obvious to see hundreds of accounts that never posted there suddenly showing up and being violently anti-moderator.
I used to go to the /r/nfl free talk threads and the day after it opened HUNDREDS of new accounts were posting talking about how the mods were pussies and blah blah.
It felt fucking surreal like 2016 Russian bot astroturfing all over again.
Anyone who thinks Stalin/Lenin/Mao weren’t fascists has a severe mental impairment.
They pretend like they care about marginalized groups then gloss over the fact these 3 dudes murdered literally millions of people.