you hate to see it
same thing happened to 8-bit guy when houston was flooded (hes a chud tho so i didn’t hate to see it as much)
i remember it being brutal trying to make decisions about what dwarfs should have what job, because iirc in ascii you could only either list the full stats of one dwarf or compare directly one stat in multiple dwarfs? and the screen would redraw so you could never look at all the info in one place at the same time
thats actually disappointing lol, i really liked using it. probably because trying to do any of that stuff without it was almost impossible haha
just having all the info laid out was incredible after trying to do it all in the game
i used to go to shows like this, i really like listening live, but like… i don’t know how to enjoy this music at home by myself. so far the best i can come up with it to sit and stare at my computer while i listen. its not great.
When I am asked what my favourite game is I usually immediately think of FTL and the original DOOM.
realism is brown
magic, spirit-world, tech-future, etc are all TEAL
You should check out the trs-80 game draconian. Its like bosconian but with defender (you rescue people from the bases) and sinistar (you are chased by a boss enemy if you take too long.) If you like the atmosphere of sinistar you will also like draconian. The boss enemy is indestructible so the feeling of knowing its coming is really exciting. This game absolutely blew my mind when I played it as a kid in a similar way to sinister.
You can download it and other trs-80 ROMs here:
I don’t know anything about trs-80 emulators, although I have played it on emulator in the past, I mainly played it on the actual hardware when I was a kid. Given what you wrote here I would really recommend checking it out!
I have a large CRT that looks pretty good but honestly still pretty fuzzy, its been years since I tried that tho so I don’t know if it would be a lot better than what I have now. Then I used a really small old ass flat screen for a while that honestly looked really good, I think just because it was so small it had to look pretty sharp. It stopped working tho :(
I have the n64 in my kitchen and use a thrift store flat screen TV I just got as both a second monitor and n64 TV. Its pretty old and has a hell of a lot of different inputs. Unfortunately the n64 looked like total shit on it… BUT I just got a s-video cable hoping it would make it a bit more bearable and at least on this TV its a huge improvement! It really fixed the image quite a bit, there’s still a bit of checkerboarding with the pixels of different colours sort of hashing together instead of blurring together as they would on CRT. But its way more playable. I should try the s-video cable with the CRT sometime just for fun, but I think the reason why its such a huge improvement is mostly because the TV interpreted the composite image terribly.
All that to say, its still fuzzy as fuck, because its an n64 lol.
I’ve been playing my n64 a lot lately and its way fuzzier than I remember, maybe they are just trying to recapture that magic
primus sucks
so oilbrained that you included “no fuel to run the oiltankers” as a downside to not producing oil
As far as I can tell it was never popular.
It came out in 1989 and was ported to every game system and microcomputer that was released in america and Japan for like the next 3 generations of hardware. It sold over 4 million copies. Its the game that gave peter molyneux a blank check to make whatever game he wanted for like three decades.
All these games will be lost in time… Like tears in rain…
i read rainbow six because i played the game, and while i enjoyed it, even me as a 13 year old boy was kind of disturbed by how 20% of the book is lurid descriptions of the beauty and efficiency of our weapons. long descriptions of how the troopers are super competent, long descriptions of the precision and mastery of the snipers, how the guns are well oiled and wonderful tools, etc. real psycho stuff. also the bad guys are environmentalists planning to kill everyone on the planet with a engineered virus lol
essentially they first hired baldwin, who was not a leading man but had already done some big movies, and it was going to be more of a traditional vehicle for baldwin.
then they hired sean connery, a genuine movie star, and he wanted them to expand on his character and make the soviets more interesting and human as a result. they had too or wanted to take advantage of connery’s star power and the result is a much better story.
plz help, my cicadas keep dying before the several hours are up
GOOD post
“beware the ides of march”
some old stock fortune cookie
its really good lol
oh yeah i unsubbed years ago when i noticed i didn’t want to watch any of his videos, lol
iirc he used to do interesting stuff at some point, but i agree with you 100%