This is about on par with what I was thinking. If not a BBS, it could end up being a dongle for a computer. I was thinking they might make pretty good rnode endpoints, if they ever got firmware for it.
This is about on par with what I was thinking. If not a BBS, it could end up being a dongle for a computer. I was thinking they might make pretty good rnode endpoints, if they ever got firmware for it.
Chirp spread spectrum just describes how data is sent, it can’t really be proprietary. It would be like saying waving a flashlight to send morse code was proprietary. The black box part is you say “send this data” then that data comes out of the antenna in the Lora signal. The physical device that connects that data to a signal and visa-versa is what’s proprietary. There could be little tweaks to the transmission that make it work better, like having a slightly non-linear chirp, or some signal processing algorithm that can dig the signal out of some serious noise.
For the most part, a transmission isn’t proprietary, it’s how that transmission is made and how it’s processed that is. In the case of Lora, the radios are cheap and work incredibly well, so there isn’t much of a reason for someone to homebrew their own.
Sure you could. But I’ll offer a different perspective
All honey tastes different from different producers and areas, you’ll be missing out on some wonderful honey flavors if you buy that much in bulk. If it’s purely for sweetening, sure fine, do it. But if you want the flavor of honey, check out a farmers market and see what you’d be missing out on with bulk.
I want to know how much I have to work.
To neurotypicals this sounds like you don’t want to put in the work. A better way to phrase it would be “I’m just trying to see how busy today will be” you can follow it with bullshit like “trying to decide if I’ll be cooking dinner or picking something up on my way home”
Bezos having a say in what news you read or don’t read benefits him quite a bit.
I’ve found that if it’s set up right, it works well for announcements and short discussions around that. But as far as support, it’s absolute trash. It’s nice for slightly quicker communication on updates than than updating a website, and I’ll see all the backlash from users saying “this update broke everything you idiots”, so I know to wait.
This isn’t the same thing, but it certainly looks like it might gave the same function
LXIX my balls! Haha got’em.
Believe it or not, this is the second time I got to make that joke within an hour.
I’m using an asus e200ha, which is basically a Chromebook from 2016 but without chromeos, or whatever it’s called. It barely works, has 32 gb of emmc storage (that’s right, as much storage as mid-tier computers have RAM). I’ve been ready for an upgrade for years.
What’s wild, is it’s actually been getting steadily faster and more useful as it gets older, because all the issues it had in it’s younger years are all getting fixed in the Linux kernel.
Did you do the nextcloudpi install?
My biggest gripe about non replaceable components is the chance that they’ll fail. I’ve had pretty much every component die on me at some point. If it’s replaceable it’s fine because you just get a new component, but if it isn’t you now have an expensive brick.
I will admit that I haven’t had anything fail recently like in the past, I have a feeling the capacitor plague of the early 2000s influenced my opinion on replaceable parts.
I also don’t fall in the category of people that need soldered components in order to meet their demands, I’m happy with raspberry pis and used business PCs.
That sounds like around the time domino’s decided that pizza should taste like cardboard
Wednesday the 26th, not the end of the month. If anyone is thinking they’ll get to it later, you have three days from this post
I suppose Schitt’s Creek would be the closest equivalent I can think of. If we’re talking about a family living out of their stereotypical circumstances.
I don’t think that’s a great comparison. You’re most likely never allowed to paint your door. I would say it’s more like curtains, your apartment has proprietary curtain rods, that you can’t put your own curtains on for some reason, so you ask all your neighbors how to change them. They respond with “have you tried opening and closing your curtains yet?”, “Try vacuuming them to get the dust off”. Then you finally get a hold of the landlord and they say you can’t replace them.
This is a fucking moronic take.
So you’re saying that most people who voted for people who have made it clear they want to take away people’s human rights, don’t want those human rights to be taken away?
That’s like hearing someone say “if I had a hammer, I’d love to start bashing people I didn’t like with it, also eggs are expensive” and the guy next to him says “don’t give that guy a hammer, he means it” and still giving them a hammer because you agree that eggs are expensive and the other guy didn’t say anything about eggs.
They’re just citing their work
Looks like store and forward doesn’t work with these. Shame, I could actually put that to good use right away. Unless of course I didn’t get it set up correctly.