Nevermind just had to hard restart
Nevermind just had to hard restart
I saw, but apparently it’s not great for full blown production yet
One more thing. I needed to enable SVM Mode for virtualization for my AMD CPU, but now my system won’t POST. Any ideas?
I’m still pretty new to linux. I am using Linux Mint. Is this pretty easy to setup?
Thanks so much! My use case is I just want to be able to run Studio One from the VM for music production. I don’t think I need much GPU power for that
Already on the way lol
Could it have been your hardware on the host? My computer is pretty beefy
Thanks so much for the response
Thanks so much for the response. You said you get terrible performance?
I bought the license separately when I built my computer
They are 3’5’’
I think it was a joke about how old our last two presidents have been
Truly prophetic coming from SatansMaggotyCumFart
He tested the AI extensively
I like her salary area the most
When your own mom calls you a terrible human being, you become the United States defense secretary
Spouting shit and not providing any proof. Are you a republican?
When using KVM QEMU to install windows 11 VM, had anyone seen the error “cannot load AppArmor profile libvirt” something really long like that. No idea what AppArmor is, but it won’t let me install