I don’t make fast enough progress with what I’m currently doing in my job (VM images with distrobuilder and cloud-init to call ansible-pull, if you’re into that kind of masochist thing), I get too little sleep because my body insists in waking me up 1h early every day, my 4yo sleeps in bed with my wife instead of me and I miss her terribly, and though we do make good money, it’s still kind of tight.
OTOH, we’re having a spontaneous long weekend getaway with my brother’s family and for friends in a mountain cottage coming up that we’re all really looking forward to, so there’s that. There will be multiple dogs, we’re gonna light a fire and make bread on sticks and marshmallows, and we’ll have a wonderful view over Saxon Switzerland.
But at least equally important: how are you?
Your footer rules, don’t let them haters win!
And so will I.
Pffft, your earbuds are gross!
For sure. What I’m saying is: hug your children, so they might become decent beings, because they were loved.
I wholeheartedly agree all of the people listed in the thread as “needs hugs”, but, hear me out, maybe if all the MAGA and conservatives and hateful people had gotten more hugs in their childhood, then they wouldn’t be such giant assholes now.
after hours
I’ve configured PAM to not let me login remotely after hours, because I just know that someday I’ll want to fix “just this tiny thing” and I’ll break production because I’m too tired. I clearly need protection from myself, and this is one slice in Dr.Reasons’s Swiss cheese model.
Don’t let the people drag you down, this happens to all of us.
Yeah, the wrong way!!!1!
If you mean from an energy/climate/water/resource consumption perspective, then no. But of you’re looking at it from a labor perspective, then also no. From a copyrights perspective? Nope as well. Okay, but surely from a correctness perspective? Very clear no. Okay, but there’s still the aspect of showing recipients respect and not wasting their time by giving them something to read/view/process that you didn’t care to write/think through yourself in the first place? Well, you guessed it, hard no as well.
The things that AI was made for are:
The fuck? Most formats are more complicated than TIFF. TIFF is so simple, you barely have to read 30 pages of well written spec to modify it with just a hex editor. You don’t get much simpler with a binary format. Want something complicated? Try implementing PDF with it’s hundreds to thousands of pages per version.
<a href=“https://imgflip.com/i/9k084t”><img src=“https://i.imgflip.com/9k084t.jpg” title=“made at imgflip.com”/></a><div><a href=“https://imgflip.com/memegenerator”>from Imgflip Meme Generator</a></div>
I’ve been using Spytify for a long time.
You can give an LLM (or any other ML tech for that matter) any task you’d like, as long as you don’t care that the results are wrong.
Yeah, we wrote a racer game for that thing. Loved it!
Oh shit, I forgot about the whole everything! We’ve had elections here in Germany and it’s going as you would expect, with fascists making massive gains everywhere, and them there’s the US and the environment and the war in Ukraine (which is not very far away from here), well, the whole everything. We even have a German word for it: Gesamtscheiße (roughly translates to “the overall shit”)
You can and should be very proud for getting help for your depression. Good job on surviving, I’m glad to hear that therapy is working. From what I understand, it’s a never ending fight against an enemy that gets stronger while you blink, so don’t give up. Have a meme:
Have fun with Delian!