What happened to…
what about…
Found it, the original weapon system!
What happened to…
what about…
Found it, the original weapon system!
(WARNING: TV Tropes link!)
That is true. And it is probable that most of the mineral content would come from bones.
But when you say that there are bones burned to ash during the manufacturing process, that just sounds like a scare tactic!
Based on my knowledge, there is no process for manufacturing pet food or human food that involves burning the components to ash.
ash is the amount of bones burned into ash during the manufacturing process
No, that is not correct. Ash content is a way to determine mineral content. It is analyzed by burning the food to ash.
What you said!!
Liberal used to be a real political affiliation. Then the extreme right just used it to insult anyone left of them.
Then the extreme left (tankies) used it to insult anyone right of them, including conservatives!
“Liberal” the insult has lost all meaning now. Is it left-wing? Is it right-wing? Who knows‽ It’s both!
Moissanite: chemical formula SiC, not pure carbon. 60/100
Lonsdaleite: chemical formula C, pure carbon, hexagonal crystal structure, naturally created by meteorite impacts, synthetic versions are harder than diamonds. Awesome/100.
Sounds like a James Bond song
Are the top and bottom two different programs? What’s going on here?
Closely related to that:
You mean general dynamics?
Those forward wing things are called canards. 3 modern fighters have them.
But how can a healing crystal cause skin cancer? The sun is a deadly laser, after all…
unless it’s also a laser crystal! Gotcha, Illuminati!
Don’t tell me you still believe in oxygen! The sun is made of phlogiston, so it instantly ignites. Since there’s no air in space for the phlogiston to saturate into, it can keep burning for millions of years!
Why are there so many question marks??? That’s not how questions work??????
No? What does Mr. Rogers have to do with leopards? Tigers I can see, but these aren’t those.
When it was zoomed out, I thought it was a pillbug