Try this when you are in your 70’s and come back and we’ll chat. And bring a cure for my chronically poor balance on your way over.
Try this when you are in your 70’s and come back and we’ll chat. And bring a cure for my chronically poor balance on your way over.
They especially remember bad people. It’s ok to not like crows, but for your own good, never let them find out. Or always park your car in the garage.
I don’t believe in reincarnation, but my mother did, based on childhood experiences. It sounded convincing to me as she told it.
Personally, as far as I can tell, when you’re dead you’re dead.
Not exactly an argument, but I once overheard a restaurant owner bribing a cop. It was an Italian restaurant in San Francisco. Kind of unsettling, but the food was great, and reasonably priced. 4 stars.
It looks like the rebut to the original post was generated by Deepseek. Does anyone wonder if Deepseek has been instructed to knock down criticism? Is its rebuttal even true?
I lost contact with everyone I knew in school, but curiosity got the better of me and I tried a web search a few years ago (he had a very unusual name). Turns out he died in a fight when still pretty young. I wasn’t surprised.
According to Gallup, 44% of American households have guns. This is survey based. If fact, the actual number is unknown. A good guess is somewhere between 1/2 and 2/3.
Gun ranges where I live (California) require employees to wear an exposure monitor for a week or so each year. I talked to a range officer about it, and he said that they had never had the monitors indicate anything that is remotely a problem. Nevertheless, careful gun owners are aware of the problem and ranges that I’ve been to post notices and have hand cleaning stuff ready at hand.
It was a great try, visually stunning and true to the overall feel of the book, but it didn’t have a very cohesive story. They tried to cover too much ground. It would have been better if they had just stuck to the first book.
They teased a sequel at the end of the movie.
I’m just waiting for canned bread.
Schlage makes a keyless entry lock that isn’t strictly “smart” (no wifi or Bluetooth) but is pretty well made and as secure as any common deadbolt lock. I have two and have been using them for several years with no problems. I can’t remember the model but they are in the $100 price class and most major hardware outlets have them.
As others have said, I’d stay away from any kind of fully remote lock.
I was never gruntled in the first place.
I have a landline, I hear a dial tone every time I pick up the phone.
He doesn’t just test them, he tests them exhaustively and (in shade tree fashion) scientifically.
Community colleges often hire teachers solely based on applicable experience. For K-12, teaching without a degree may be possible depending on the demand and where you live.
Totally agree. For-profit platforms won’t exist if they can’t generate revenue, either from ads or subscriptions. If I use a commercial offering I expect to pay for it.
If you use the platform and sidestep paying, you’re just foisting the expense off on paying customers.
I like Jabra.
Precise time came to humanity with the railroad. Until then no one cared very much about whether it was 11:35 PM or “around midnight” or “way past bedtime.” Train timetables were the first thing that made minutes matter to the general public.
Mariners cared about time and preferred to be as precise as possible, but did pretty well telling local time by the stars. Finding longitude was a problem until good clocks came aling though.
We do, it’s called Universal Coordinated Time. The time is now 00:37 UTC, or 16:37 Pacific Daylight Savings Time.
I have considered an e-bike. I believe I might be safe on one in some situations, but not as a daily driver. As mentioned, my balance is very poor. I can manage a stand up scooter for short distances. But the penalty for a fall at my age is far too high, and so anything on two wheels is really not going to be acceptable. Thanks for the thoughts though.