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dwarf fortress, at work, on the company’s dime 😎 make me come in on a holiday, I’m gonna milk it for all its worth!
taking care of yourself should be a priority, good on you for recognizing when your own wellbeing is taking a hit! see you around, space cowboy
I’ll just be playing Anomaly, if I get the itch for a stalker game. that, or metro exodus for the millionth time. what a good game exodus was.
it’s far from optimal or w/e but I’ve been having a ton of fun with it. won a game last night by cracking 12 Apostles in combat to get lethal commander damage with Taborax. it’s so silly, I love it.
the best part about playing on MTGO is that cards like vampiric tutor that usually go for $30+ are 2 cents. every deck is a budget deck.
just had an absolutely incredible EDH game on MTGO. Turn 1, shadowborn apostle. Turn 2, culling the weak into thrumming stone. Turn 3, we’re off to the races and I’m the archenemy. I love when goofy shit like this happens, it’s so fun.
there’s a moment I often think of from the 2020 Portland protests. mayor ted is walking through the streets, looking at the results of what is at this point months of protests. he’s in an interview, making pithy comments, empty platitudes, you know how it goes. then a guy runs up in front of him and dumps overflowing bags full of tear gas cannisters and rubber bullets at his feet, evidence of the police brutality he’s let run wild on his constituents. ted, of course, ends whatever interview he’s doing and runs away, like a coward.
I often think about this when I’m arguing with libs in the torment nexus (Lemmy). thinking that, maybe I should stop trying to reason with them, and instead show them the results of the policy they support. the broken bodies, the charred remains, the indistinguishable piles of viscera. body parts stuffed into plastic bags and weighed out, as that’s the only way to give a semblance of a proper burial, 70kg for an adult, 20kg for a child. would it make a difference? probably not, almost assuredly not. I don’t know anymore. I am surrounded by heartless monsters who only care about their own comfort.
keep up the good work in the posting mines, Cowbee. you are truly Marx’s strongest poster
new potential tagline material from a .world lemmitor
Saying liberals aren’t left wing is gatekeeping the term. Imagine saying that I’m not left leaning enough. Wtf is that supposed mean!
me too, brother, me too
Store Citizen
have you considered ?
this time, shoot Cunoesse. do NOT be a coward.
gommulism 😔
do not look at the steam reviews
the only MMO I play regularly these days is OSRS, but I did like WoW when I used to play it. I tried playing it again a while ago but every public chat is just a giant klan rally so I had to turn it off.
6 because it’s the first I played. got it for gba one Christmas and played it nonstop for months. cried when Celes threw herself off that cliff.
dissidia, what a good game. so underrated, I loved that game so much.
uhhhhhh idk I haven’t played another final fantasy enough for it to stand out to me as a favorite. if I had to pick it would maybe be 9? I like the character designs and what I played of it was pretty good.
my first 6 hours of any crpg consist of me making a character that seems cool, playing for an hour, then saying “ooohhhh, but what if I…” and starting over to make a new character.
it turns into 12 hours if I make a character I really like, then I meet a companion and they’re cooler than me + the class I made. I remade my first character in BG3 this way, because I was a cool dragonborn barbarian, then I met Karlach and went “well, I’ll never be as cool as her. main menu…”
I’m very bummed that I won’t be able to play Wilds without a massive overhaul of my system, or buying a console. This will be the first monster hunter game I have missed since 3U launched. the graphical arms race has left me in the dust