That noice but I can’t get over then holding it by the USBC connector… how in a right mind would you do that ?
That noice but I can’t get over then holding it by the USBC connector… how in a right mind would you do that ?
Merci je vais regarder.
J’utilise connect. Il faudrait que je regarde direct depyis renardroux
Je ne sais pas croiser les postes, je le copié collé sur l’autre community ?
Merci je suis entrain de regarder.
Yeah I seen other saying piped doesn’t work anymore. Don’t know when it will be updated.
@PipedLinkBot the link doesn’t work, video doesn’t strat
I may do something wrongly
Can’t install it on Firefox phone, If I don’t forget once at home I will
I love this dear high sea rider
Yeah did a great publicity for piracy communities. We should thank them.
I guess they have to draw a line somewhere.
Yeah I posted my tuto in ! already.
That look like a sweet spot to start a pirate community for SteamDeck.
Seem a little empty now though
I usually try different version of proton. The one I get most luck with is protonGE you can install it with ProtonUp-QT (from the store discovery)
Cpasbien still exit ? I tried to find it before registering to YGG I only found scam sites
Car je ne veut pas attirer de soucis a l’equipe de modération.
J’ai déjà dû changer de place mon tuto car il a été rejeté par l’équipe gérant la communité SteamDeck
Ho no I wasn’t aware. Thanks. I got my answer.
Thanks for the reply.
I didn’t link to anything, maybe it is because I mentioned two repackers.
I explained how to combine tools included in the deck (more precisely in package manager ) to be able to get pirated games.
But I guess that was to close of the border.
Hello, I can understand that. That why I ask for the reason to be able to understand since removing a post is not communicating.
Thanks to their post I discovered !steamdeckpirates and a second piracy community.
I can understand that logically but that strike some thing which forced me react… Is it connected ? And is it linkable with homeassistant ?