This link says that configuration is stored in a file that doesn’t exist, should I make it?
This link says that configuration is stored in a file that doesn’t exist, should I make it?
Which part is the usage?
Would these settings be the same if I used the same amount of swap?
You know, for some reason I thought that zram was on the disk, and it isn’t. That makes a huge difference. I’ll keep the swap then!
Oh, I think I might have thought zram was similar to swap, I didn’t realize it takes up ram. Is there a way to see how much ram it’s using? What do you think I should set my zram amount to(and how do I change the zram amount, I’m using zram-config)
Should I lower swap? How do I change the swappiness?
But how do I do this? What stuff from xfce would I keep?
Thank you! I think I’ll end up restarting sometime in the future, but for now this is amazing!
I need the app for my music lessons, so I can’t use wayland
I just spent so long installing it, you’d think I’ve never used Linux before
I don’t really need a task list on my panel, only for if I have an… Interesting alt tab implementation
How different is that from lxde?
I’m using X awesome wm and cinnamon. The touchpad isn’t disabled when I’m typing. I use a Lenovo IdeaPad 3 15iil05, and this is a recent issue.
I used pip, and apparently I needed to download from the git?
When I was using Wayland, zoom crashed when you joined a meeting. Does this still happen?
Qtile just felt wrong to me with how meant things didn’t work
Endeavour is fun 😉