maybe it is the fact that I forgot a “d” in knowledge on the left’s panel xD edit : re done my sentance
yeah, it is fun to try and retry, and I love the fact that every game you play are different in some ways. I began to watch “Learning of isaac” from Shisheyu , it is very fun and usefull. Btw do you think people can be interested by a AMA I’m a high school student ( in France)
edit: I wrote “I’m a high school”, but I’m a human.
I am a young user of lemmy ( I am in high school ), And, I really suck in games, but I love the blinding of isaac: repentance,I didnt played as many games as that, but I think it is the hardest game I’ve played, and my favorite.
the Fizzle beam was the name of an attack I used in a role play game, I was a fire mage ( a fizzle is a failed nuclear explosion) , and bleam is just beam with a L in the middle, for no reason
I think my username is hard to guess
it is chaotic, but sometime, there is a very fun anime, which is not very popular, because it is airing in a season with highly anticiped anime ( this season, it would be under ninja for me). But yeah, it take a lot of time