This annoys me to no end. My phone has more RAM than my previous pc and yet android keeps purging everything from the memory. No matter what settings you tinker with, it keeps doing it. My Lenovo P2 from 2016 “only” had 4gbs of RAM and would keep dozens of apps open and would only purge the memory with a cold boot. I hate what android has become and that it’s basically the only other real choice besides apple phones.
Yole in French is a small sailing boat. It’s also in the English dictionary. A more common word would be skiff.
Fuck swearwords!
This is so stupid that even I understand it.
I’m sorry to be the asshole here but … She hasn’t been on the charts for nearly 10 years… She probably amassed more wealth than most of us will in a lifetime. If she’s unable to work a regular job now to keep up the lifestyle and has to sell feet pics… Sorry but boohoo
Sorry to do this again but it’s Brouwer*. I’ll chalk it up to autocorrect
It always applies. But they always have some leeway in the shows. Sometimes they’re more relaxed and sometimes they’re more strict. Depends on how far along they are compared to the federation, civilization wise.
I think a lot of scripts are already, at least partly written by ai these days. Has to be the reason a lot of stories and dialogue are so nonsensical and inane.
You mean POST, Power on self test. DOS hasn’t been a part of Windows since XP. And yeah replace the Knopfzelle (usually a CR2032) on your mobo. Your mobo is resetting everytime you power off cause the mobo isn’t getting any power. That’s what the battery is for.
Again, I’m not against this initiative in it’s entirety. I’m just remarking it doesn’t tackle the real problem. And to answer your question, having savings around a million euros isn’t weird for western Europeans. The standard of living here is fairly high. The average starter home is around 400k euros where I live. Meaning regular 4 people family homes are almost double that. Again. I’m not against this proposal. But it’s just populist pandering. Most people just read the title and go “yeah eat the rich”. I know Paul Magnette. I’d never vote for him cause he’s not a sincere politician. He’s a populist. It’s the modern political disease, they’re all populists. No one is honest anymore. They’re all there in your face just to get votes. This proposal is nothing more than a simple ad and power grab. I wish it were different. I really do. The real problem is that no one who works for someone else earns their fair share. Corrupt governments won’t solve this.
I’m not against this initiative per se. But this is just another tax on middle class people and doesn’t tackle the real wealth being hidden in multinationals that don’t pay any tax and hold governments hostage by threat of moving their employment away. They are the problem. They pollute like no other because no one is ever held accountable.
Belgium’s, quite a bit off. I’d frequent the hell out of a place that would sell beer that cheap. Most places sell 0.5l’s for around €6 nowadays. The lowest price store bought is ridiculous here though. It’s around 90 cents per liter. Most people have some prejudice around it because of the price but it’s actually a very good beer. Carapils I ♥️ you!!!
The menu is still grey on my devices, was it grey before? Everything else seems to be fixed.
Same here. Everything is grey instead of black. Nothing in settings helps. Hope this gets fixed.
Is the last word supposed to be in jest? Like a “no regerts” tattoo?