FumpyAer [any, comrade/them]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • The zed10fx seems to have aux levels in addition to the gain and fx knobs. This can be useful because the aux send can be used as a monitor mix which can differ from the main speaker mix (if you have a monitor). Seems a bit more versatile in that sense.

    If it’s all DIY, a mixer will be good to have. If you are performing at a venue with a sound person, they will handle it and you can just plug your mic cable into their system and tell them what you want (typically just a bit of reverb).

  • That stuff is for a DAW program (or a larger, more complex mixer), if you don’t have internal sends you can’t do it live. In-channel fx are fine for live and there is typically a separate FX knob anyway, which won’t change the volume of the dry signal. On that mixer, you won’t experience the problem I was describing because there isn’t a wet/dry knob, there is a gain knob and a fx knob that don’t affect one another. Sorry, I wrote that before understanding this was a DIY live situation.

    If you felt the need for off-board FX, you could use the FX send with a patch cable, then after the pedal put it back into another channel. You won’t need to do that in most situations.