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There is a 3-2-1 tactic for backups, which should be pretty safe. Lots of articles if you search for it. Basically I backup all my data to two SSDs and one HDD. And once more to cloud, which is iCloud in my case.
Not low hanging. But hanging non the less.
I’m also not a fan of the redesign, but you can always voice activate/dismiss it? Which is perfect scenario for when your hands are dirty.
Maybe I missed something in the article and this option is not viable for the writer.
2 smol 2 forios
Labor excluded.
Could be, but also maybe isn’t. AFAIK there is just single test, and that is just not enough data to make a conclusion.
I don’t think so, no.
that would be perfect, maybe a vehicle with scanner and some mining tool so you could analyse and collect few minerals along the way. would be great QOL improvement.
Ah, thanks!
My initial thoughts as well
It’s in the settings under actions
Second this, I’ve built myself a silent office k7. It has low profile optical switches (less travel more silent), and bought a pack of their mint switches. They have higher resistance so that should help with the noise, I also lubed them. Coworkers don’t even know that I have mechanical board.
I love alexandrite, but unfortunately non of the two marks post read on scroll.
Afaik, this one was the first to be. But not sure how it is now.
I think your best bet would be to go to LemmyWerse, and try to search by country name.
Like once a month. Whenever I wash and hover my car, I also clean the area that I’m touching.
I was not responding to the phone cleaning post, but I clean my watch and phone with disinfectant wipe everyday when I go to shower, so I have everything clean.
So, No change?
Proper server