I attempted to fight Marcus at level 36 and got promptly wiped. So I would say lvl 36 is not it.
Hide and seek champion.
Home life moving at a snail’s pace.
Oh snap! That’s a lot of refunds!
Duck and cover are for tsunami’s.
Don’t forget to stop, drop and roll.
This is what you’re talking about, right?
Is that how they’re getting around the abortion laws in Texas?
Civil fur-feiture.
I want a big shotgun! No, bigger! No, biiiiiger!
Mancow horse
Just cancel somebody else’s subscription.
Ask Randy what happens when you F a pangolin.
But those pesky politicians keep giving me tax breaks on my wealth. What am I to do?
Not many people know what the lost translation of San Diego means. It’s German of course.
Wait, I think they ate it. Bobbitt style.
Must be fluid, I guess.