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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • I don’t know if these are the most joy but some good memories.

    When I first saw Mario 64 in Toys R Us I was awestruck. Just unbelievable. Mario in 3D.

    When I was playing Ocarina of Time I was hunting Poes in Hyrule field on Epona. I fell asleep because it was late. When I woke up the game was still running. Nothing overheated. Nothing killed me in game. No loud jarring noises. I wasnt late for anything. I just woke up and started hunting Poes again.

    A friend and I were staying up late playing one of the early Kings Quest games where you can dial a 900 number to help you if you got stuck. This was back when save points were maybe once every 10 minutes if you’re lucky. We had gotten to a really verbose riddle that we were supposed to have found a clue for earlier in the game but missed it. We just figured out the riddle and guessed it on the first try. It was an unbelievable triumph.

  • The US is pretty big man and things are different in different regions. England is only as big as Alabama.

    In the cities you can walk to places or take much more limited public transportation.

    Every one outside of the city has a car though. Drive through banks, fast food, pharmacies, and even liquor stores are a real thing.

    My commute to work is ~40 minute drive and some of that is at 129 kph.

    I rarely walk anywhere for anything besides pleasure. There is a restaurant within ~10 minutes walk but most roads don’t even have sidewalks here and people don’t always pay attention while driving