I mean I have a dual major science degree and worked in the field. It is the type of field where it is sorta who you are. Unfortunately like a lot of things its so enshitified no one should really do that anymore.
I mean I have a dual major science degree and worked in the field. It is the type of field where it is sorta who you are. Unfortunately like a lot of things its so enshitified no one should really do that anymore.
I find it hard to believe that heat is that small a portion. Excepting europes moderating current everyone around saint louis and further north and something similar in the southern hemisphere should be paying more for heat than any other utility. Im not sure how industrial processes factor in on the use of energy with heat but I agree that from what I know they should be a high percentage of energy use. As far as I can tell he is just not breaking it apart like that and its possible it uses a lot of heat. Especially if it includes smelters. I think the problem is he is looking overall but talking more in terms of residential.
weren’t they already desperately trying to get them back once they once again realized they effed up massively. again.
south korea time to let bygones be bygones. sk and japan and taiwan and a few other south asean states need to get some real close defense ties, real fast.
working academic research is awesome. or it would be if it paid adequately.
Honestly whats even the point. It shows that she is losing income and will buy cheaper juice so its advertising cheaper juice brands which she is going to buy anyway. It honestly seems very stupid.
And we are barely two months in.
“It used to be, when I were a kid, that everybody got measles. And the measles gave you lifetime protection against measles infection,” he said, then taking a swipe at the vaccine. “The vaccine doesn’t do that. The vaccine is effective for some people for life, but for many people it wanes.”
Its like all us news these days. trump contemplates being bigger asshole than he already is.
Are you saying tarrifs at any amount will allow for companies to make a profit? I mean trump has been throwing around 100 and 200 percent. Do you understand profit margin and how its different for different things?
people invest in chinese companies where the state owns half of it.
oh. yeah so not really any better than the us although future action looks like it might be better.
thats what I mean though. its great that it will shift but if it goes back again its like one step forward two steps back.
folks have felt the pain again and again and yet the pendulum swings.
I have wondered this too. Will it just all become bots talking to bots.
Yeah it usually takes two terms to right the plane and we barely got to level and we are pushing full throttle toward the ground again. This time trump has no real elevation increase to take advantage of.
I hate when articles like this use words like controversy. There is no controversy when someone just makes up that a standard thing is now an issue.
Why the wait to send in peackeepers. Russia shore did not (if im not mistaken they initially called their troop buildup peacekeepers). Would be ironic if the uk and eu ended up defending ukraine with troops given both the us and russia signed a treaty saying they would. I mean russias a backstabber but the us is the person who said they would help and did not (I know we did some stuff but given the treaty we signed we should have stopped the annexation of crimea)
I don’t even have a linkedin work persona. its an online resume as well as a way to stay in touch with coworkers mainly by getting or giving recommendations. I don’t get why anyone posts there.
I remember asking my company if they have official password management software in my job before my last job. They did not. I can’t believe we have all this specific software to be used at the company but they don’t put some time to identify what they want employees to use for this. Funny thing is security teams are such big deals but I think they actually don’t want to get involved in case it does not work out.