ya know, in comparison, this site ain’t so bad
ya know, in comparison, this site ain’t so bad
man, now thats a gaming classic
“um but someone might play them”
they introduce 3 to 10 new bit characters every game. they can’t all be part of the core cast in a series with so little actual plot.
100% lol. I can believe he’s not particularly transphobic, but this doesn’t read like him, and he’s really not given to making statements like this.
it had its own internal fan and if you put it on carpet it overheated and cut the power. just a masterpiece of industrial design.
boy there’s a lot of nazis on that site
nintendo shouldn’t be allowed to sue anyone. I should be allowed to sue the developers of unfunny streambait games that look like shit that i have to hear about for a month.
i’ve been yabked about like a little doggy on a leash
no i think that still counts as a hobby. the nature of hobbies is that most of them are uninteresting to people who do not share those hobbies. model trains is like the platonic “hobby” and it’s mostly solitary. i don’t know where you got the idea that the hobby is a natural, pre-social category that has been misrepresented under capitalism. if anything, it’s the capitalist separation of pleasure activities and work activities which gives us the concept in the first place.
additionally, i’m not sure what conception of “material value” you’re using, or why that would be necessary to hobbies. like, you have to be able to sell it on the open market for it to be a hobby? is going for walks a hobby? certainly not in common usage. what about hiking? is smashing mailboxes in the dead of night a hobby? is doing whip its a hobby? what about my personal vice, trading card games? that’s very social and very material, and my first hand observation is that it is ideologically aligned with the reification of intellectual property and empowerment of corporations.
miku is cool and real
with the final demise of video game magazines, it rests on us gamers to usher in the era… of the video game ZINE
Please Say /c/FakeNews…
it’s a funny song and i like his musical work but also i think it’s interesting that well after he recorded this, Rovics has fully become an anti-cancel culture crusader after his fellow anarchists criticized him for befriending and promoting actual nazis
it’s a very easy target because so many games journalists are glorified advertisers for slop for children, and are very insecure about this fact, but for some reason the ones that get the most shit from gamergate guys are just enjoying video games wrong
i like chick corea
yeah SGDQ was incredible this year, just a perfect showcase of the creativity and community that games can foster. I was hooting and hollering during the kaizo race.
INFO: Does your GH use or have the dating app known as “TF2”? If so, he is certainly hiding a secret alternative lifestyle from you.
i don’t think taking the children’s RPG too seriously is nazi behavior