I am predicting this is the place where Section 31 and Rule 34 first collide in a big way.
I am predicting this is the place where Section 31 and Rule 34 first collide in a big way.
B-Dunks’ performance is masterful in Threshold. It’s every hammy instinct one could muster up, but with production value. The tongue scene alone is amazing.
He’s a man of special punscience. ice cream truck music plays
Is it fair to assume that, by showing the Klingon turning Disco, that the implication is that Discovery exists in a reality almost identical to the Prime Timeline, but with differently evolved Klingons?
If so, it begs a question. Is there a Mirror Universe for every reality? Or do they all share one?
Oh my god, I can’t believe I’m about to have such a pedantic correction… But the company that make the Hotjo mugs used on DS9 is Highwave, not Hotwave.
The best agent Bajoran TSA ever had.
In fairness, by the end of the series she was out of his age range… 4.
Speaking as humble cop, it’s a good ticket, but the Brunt of their support comes from other Combses. The Weyou-negotiate an election needs a broader base. Look at the Agi campaign of 2020; people said after the debates Agimus-t shore up his support, instead it Shran-k. So far the Combses have run a good campaign but hardly the crème-de-la-Krem; they need to Plek-ate their critics. Anyway, I Tiron this subject, better get back to busting that sci-fi writer Benny’s chops. Yours, Officer Kevin Mulkahey
If we’re talking extinguished timelines the Year of Hell Janeway would like a word. (Unless…did you erase her for the glory of the Krenim Imperium?)
I seek jamaharoot canal.
Admiral “Guy who has a membership at a Japanese Whiskey Bar where you own your own bottle”
Someone watching along with The Greatest Generation?
British. Specifically Scottish.
As I am not American I grew up with socialism being a positive connotation in day to day culture, so much so it’s wild to me that this needed to be veiled in Trek’s past. Star Trek should be as explicit as possible with this. “Hey, you want Utopia? This is how you earn it!”
We saw 4 minutes of Tom Paris the father!
I lost so much money in that too.
Photonic and Knuckles.
When the EMH Mark I teams up with a pink echidna, hi-jinx ensue.
I thought it was quite good myself; it reminded me very much of the doctor taking over Seven’s body in Body and Soul, the various crew possessions in Powerplay, and Curzon inhabiting Odo in Facets. I do enjoy getting to see an actor really chew the scenery outside the confines they have worked in before.
apple crunch “Tastes pretty good for shit.”