Congrats! That’s a huge step… one I know all to well from my own recent experiences.
Hope all goes well for you ❤️
Congrats! That’s a huge step… one I know all to well from my own recent experiences.
Hope all goes well for you ❤️
Worse still is when the dicey deities decide to toy with their players…
RP leading up to combat where you have a healthy modifier? Nat20 nice and simple…
Very important roll in combat that otherwise might lead to needing a death save? How’s that roll just shy of the AC looking for you?
It’s a low day today… struggling hard with gender issues in particular, along with some partner stuff.
Feeling like shit, a bit worthless, that I don’t know who or what I am.
Good point, thanks for the correction there!
The He-Man series back in the 80s always ended with little moral quips, so this is mimicking that.
The fact is that all fetuses start off assuming female, and then the presence of certain chromosomes trigger male anatomy.
Hence all males being trans if life starts at conception, as at X week development shifts to generate the male oriented organs.
At least that’s my understanding of this meme…
I usually fall asleep snuggling my partner’s Blahaj.
Somehow there’s room on the bed for all of us lol
Had a bit of a conflict with the other half last night. Didn’t sleep well. Feeling exhausted now.
Not really sure how to resolve things and feeling worried about it all.
My ex-wife is American and we’d fly to the US (I’m in the UK) once a year when we were together to go see family.
We’d usually fly premium economy for the extra luggage allowance and slightly nicer seating.
When her father passed away the trip over tete had 1st class at only a modest increase from premium, I’m guessing due to a desire to fill the seat at short notice.
Given the situation I decided to get the upgrade, and it was absolutely worth it.
So your implication here is that a major military counter strike was predicated on the network being extended just as the drones were headed to their targets?
That the strike plan was put into action, and then a request was made to extend the network whilst they were already moving and as they were approaching a point of losing contact?
Does that really make sense to you?
I’m nonbinary but when my girlfriend calls me a good girl, I get a special little lovely shiver every time.
Sissies in the city will have to gather elsewhere I guess…
Sitting in my new GP surgery now waiting for my new doctor to discuss my trans needs having just moved into the area… sigh