I am the media I consume and I will defend myself. If you tell me why you like something else instead, that is an attack against me. Also if that media changes in a way I don’t like, the creators are insidiously stealing a part of me
I am the media I consume and I will defend myself. If you tell me why you like something else instead, that is an attack against me. Also if that media changes in a way I don’t like, the creators are insidiously stealing a part of me
Whoever wrote the Genius annotation admitted that he wasn’t harmed, but Roger’s criticizing Bad Authoritarians so he must mean China
Nevermind that Israel, arguably Waters’ main political topic, actually did crush a student with a tank in Palestine
ETA Oh my god, the annotation suggestion that mentions Corrie has been marked as a stretch
Fun fact: if you go to this song’s Genius page, the line, And every time a student gets run over by a tank, is annotated to be about Tinyman Tank Man
It is in fact about Rachel Corrie, who was fatally crushed by an Israeli tank in 2003
Fuck it, here’s a link in case anyone wants to interact with it
Wait, sorry, did you just list “drawings of adults with big boobs” with “sexualized drawings of children” as though they were basically the same thing?
And they always conveniently ignore the part where the landlords had the option to accept change and live ordinary lives, but instead many of them fucked around and found out
K. You Suck.
And yes.