Yeeeah, that’s why I stuck with talking about the hand holding stuff.
Yeeeah, that’s why I stuck with talking about the hand holding stuff.
Nice amount of workers though… … … I’ll show myself out.
Yes, it is a premium service, but it really works well.
Okay, I dislike orange idiot as much as the next guy, but how is this a news headline? Of course he does not draw attention to GOP black porny hitler… I figure he would rather have us talking about immigration or some shit like that.
Yep, they had proof.
Thanks a lot for the detailed breakdown.
But is delicuous with basil!
AdamEatsAss asking a great question.
Seems like he had a real good talk with the Drumpf.
Pleasence check your voter registration status, even if you always vote. They are doing what they can, to keep good people from voting.
Looks great, now pass it.
I 2nd this, what’s with all the orb mentions?
Thanks, signed.
Thanks for the clarification.
I’m guessing its not fully open source, but I don’t actually know.
These are the kinds of comments that makes so happy, that I switched to Lemmy. Thx.
Briefly downloaded and tried it out. That is so cool to have running locally on a device. Very impressed. Thanks a lot for the share!
Thanks a lot.
Congrats on crushed bug!