Just encrypt it before sending it to their servers. How would you tell that apart from any other traffic it sends? (E.g. to check for new messages, to update who of your contacts is online, etc)
Just encrypt it before sending it to their servers. How would you tell that apart from any other traffic it sends? (E.g. to check for new messages, to update who of your contacts is online, etc)
Almost all services in that list are closed source, so even if they use end-to-end encryption nothing stops the client from sending all your messages to anyone they like after decrypting (in fact some of them already have it as a built-in feature in the form of backups).
In the UK your dishwasher is typically connected only to the cold water intake, so that’s not a problem unless you have multiple showers in your house… that said, water heaters are often limited to either heating or hot water (not both at the same time), but that’s not an issue in practice since you’re not going to be using the hot water for long periods of time.
They do, they’re just not connected to the dishwasher so don’t need to be factored into its energy usage.
But then shouldn’t there be a delay when using actual Chrome?
I thought pounds could be used for either mass or force, and in modern usage just saying “pounds” usually refers to mass. Wikipedia seems to agree:
Then you must not have read the linked article, which mentions three companies that have done just that.
Roaming charges made an unwelcome reappearance for UK mobile users heading to mainland Europe after Brexit. EE, Three and Vodafone were all quick to reintroduce the daily or monthly charges to use their mobiles while in the EU – which typically add £2 a day.
Perry is made from pears, it’s not just pear-flavoured apple cider.
Those are British though. Though I’m sure there are also American examples.
I would have said 平和 (heiwa). As another learner, I’ve never seen 安泰, and ピース I see mostly used as a reference to the “peace sign” (the hand gesture).
The way I described it, there would be an odd number of flights every day, so the average will also be odd.
Imagine there was only one flight. Day 1 it leaves Edinburgh and lands at Heathrow. Day 2 it leaves Heathrow and lands back in Edinburgh. Then repeat again. There is exactly one flight every day, so the average is odd.
A plane starts the day at the airport, does an even number of flights back and forth, and then one last flight and ends it at another airport. Repeat the next day but in reverse.
Only if they only spoke one language. Googling indicates there are somewhere around 1.45 to 2 billion total English speakers, so just knowing English might hit 25% already.
Edit: Also, the graph only lists languages with 50 million speakers, so the real proportions are smaller.
There are definitely VSCode extensions which ask you to pay for them, like GitLens.
The EHS defines these as “homes that are primarily used as holiday homes (by family, friends or let to others as a holiday let) or are occupied while working away from home.”
This clearly doesn’t include regular rental properties, so I don’t see how it shows landlords are not a problem.
Apple, for one, because not only do they default to this but there’s no option to change it separately for the mouse wheel vs touch pad without third party software.
How would you even hit a 3.3 TB limit a month in normal usage? AAA games these days are hitting 100 GB but how many of those are you going to download in a month? Streaming Netflix 24/7 will also not get you there, unless maybe it was 4k content the whole time. Maybe if you’re pirating uncompressed Blu-ray rips?
While we’re being pedantic,
lit. “octopus balls”
It doesn’t literally mean that, it’s more like “grilled octopus”.
most newly created apps are using flutter
Do you have some examples? I’ve never heard of any desktop apps using Flutter, and trying to Google for examples only leads me to obscure ones I’ve never heard of.
Ok, let me break it down because clearly I didn’t explain it well.
What is supposed to happen, scenario 1: the client encrypts your messages with the public key of the recipient, sends it to the servers of WhatsApp (or whatever service) along with some encrypted metadata indicating the recipient, which then forward the message to the recipient.
What could happen, scenario 2: the client does the same, but also encrypts another copy of your message with a public key that belongs to WhatsApp, and send both versions to the WhatsApp servers. They decrypt and keep the second version while forwarding the first one to the recipient.
Or, scenario 3: they just never bother with end-to-end encryption, and always encrypt it with the WhatsApp key, still sending it to their servers which then reencrypt with the recipient’s key before forwarding.
In all cases, messages are sent only to the WhatsApp servers, not two places. The only visible difference is in scenario 2 where the communication is larger. You can’t inspect the metadata of the message with your network sniffer, because it is also encrypted, so there’s no way to rule out scenario 3.
If the protocol is designed to be transparent by not encrypting the entire payload sent to the servers, and you have access to the recipient’s private key (those are big ifs) then you could show that there is indeed an end-to-end encrypted message in there. But this is true for how many of these proprietary services? Maybe for WhatsApp.