Not sure if that works here so here is your reminder instead :)
New account here:
Not sure if that works here so here is your reminder instead :)
Dgar - - 5h
With the rise of self-driving vehicles, it’s only a matter of time before we get a country song where a guy’s truck leaves him too.
Replies: 14 - reposts: 142 - favorites: 223
Any plans for improving SEO? One of Reddit’s biggest strengths was being able to get very relevant results with a simple internet search. In time can you see something similar for Lemmy, even with its decentralized nature? I really you for doing this, thank you for your time!
Seems odd that proton would block a privacy respecting image host, but I’m glad you figured it out :)
+1 for Catppuccin, it’s my all-time favorite theme and I would love to see it here!
80% is a massive improvement! Nice work!
This feels like something that would pop-up on your pc after you try to download a Minecraft mod from the third page of bing
Catbox is blocked in a lot of places unfortunately, this is from their FAQ:
Why can't I access Catbox/access files on Catbox (
Good question! It turns out certain governments in the world hate freedom of information, don't have net neutrality, don't see online service providers as legally exempt entities, or a combination of the three!
You will have issues accessing Catbox/files on Catbox if you are connecting from the following countries or providers:
Why? - The Australian government had a heart attack after the Christchurch shooting, and decided that Catbox was a terrorist propaganda spreading website, and has instructed multiple Australian ISPs to implement DNS blocks of Catbox's domains.
How to resolve? - Changing your DNS servers to a public server (i.e.,, or or utilizing DoH should mitigate this problem.
Why? - Unfortunately the love of footy has overtaken the sensibilites of the British and Irish governments, and they have decided to implement an IP level block on Catbox's primary IP address, due to clips of games being uploaded to Catbox..
How to resolve? - You will need to utilize a VPN in order to evade this traffic hijack.
Why? - Unknown, but I'm sure you can probably make some pretty accurate guesses.
How to resolve? - You will need to use a VPN to bypass the IP-level block.
Why? - Unknown, but I'm sure you can probably make some pretty accurate guesses.
How to resolve? - You will need to use a VPN to bypass the IP-level block.
Comcast/Comcast Business
Why? - Comcast Business' "SecurityEdge" hijacking attack intecepts traffic going towards Catbox. Residential customers are blocked by "xFi Advanced Security" I have been unable to determine if this is a DNS level block, or an IP level block.
How to resolve? - Comcast Residential: Disable the "xFi Advanced Security" hijack on your router. Comcast Business: Disable the "SecurityEdge" hijack on your account. See here.
Why? - Quad9 actually pulls an aggregate list of URL blacklists and uses them for their filtered DNS service. Catbox is frequently added to no-name blacklists for various reasons.
How to resolve? - Use Quad9's alternative DNS server, or switch to another public DNS server.
I like this article, it’s nice seeing a detailed look into Lemmy and Kbin instead of the usual “wHaT iS aN InStAnCe? FeDeRaTiOn iS sO cOnFuSiNg!1!!”
Not sure about any that try to be exactly like Facebook. The closest off the top of my head is Pixelfed which is meant to be like instagram if that seems like something you’d be interested in.
Aww like yin and yang
Yeah I believe and only went down for a few hours, and I know was down for 6 hours
Edit: more info here, & all went down as well earlier today, someone seems to be attacking the larger instances for whatever reason