MidnightPocket [comrade/them]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: September 10th, 2020


  • DotA 2: Should have had random items as rewards from matches based on the hero you are playing, instead of entirely random. Also, they should have had in-game currency for their stores rather than just barter and RMT.

    Disco Elysium: Thought cabinet should not cost a skill point to remove an already internalized thought.

    EU4: More internal realm management/struggle.

    WoW: Raising the level cap is always a mistake. Obsoleting content is always a mistake. Worst storyline imaginable.

    Heroes of Might and Magic: Conflux in HoMM 3 was lame

  • I had the misfortune of eavesdropping on a conversation recently where some guy who was working in a bourgeoisie brewing facility recently switched jobs to work at a waste water treatment center and he was advocating for removing fluoride from water with a level of rationale that I have to assume he picked up from co-workers parroting information they heard on the Joe Rogan podcast.

  • It’s the failure of the Soviet education system. If we can characterize the Soviet people, it is that they are far too naive.

    Eh. They were in a bad spot economically due to Saudi market manipulation at the behest of the west, a military defeat in Afghanistan, a space-race posturing/propaganda. They definitely could have held out longer but they were on the back-foot and were opting for a peaceful/graceful loss rather than forcing a military loss. This worked for the West also as they didn’t want to involve their direct military which is why they extended a “peaceful” option for ending the cold war. The icing on the cake was Gorbachev was an intelligence asset (someone linked evidence for this here once, I lost the bookmark apparently; if he wasn’t then he was the only truly naive Soviet citizen).