Late 20s. Full head of hair, putting on muscle happened almost accidentally etc.
I’m in better shape now but if I trained then like I have to now…
Late 20s. Full head of hair, putting on muscle happened almost accidentally etc.
I’m in better shape now but if I trained then like I have to now…
I’ve had decent luck wandering through thrift shops but even then, they’re still close to or slightly more expensive than new.
This is such a good description that I am almost salivating.
Personally, I’ve enjoyed it everytime I’ve been eating them but felt very sick afterwards. Which is fair. If there weren’t consequences I would soon have difficulties fitting into a vehicle.
What a sad way to spend your time.
I hope things get better in your life.
But hey, if my country needs me…
Hi there, sorry for the delay!
I’ve never built a wiki, nor have any clue how to do it but I’ll start looking into it and then circle back to the community seeking out feedback about organization/layout and any other design or UX stuff we should consider.
Edit: One other thing, do we have a way to automatically cross-post submissions to this community to say, !boycottus@lemmy.ca ? (This seems like a mod ability or some such?)
Love it, thank you!
Hi there! First, thanks for running this community, it’s been great to see all the Canadian pride and brands!
A few thoughts: With a few volunteers, I wonder if we could make a big old wiki or site with various options. (If so, should we organize it with similar categories to one of the buy canada websites so that we can update from them and vice versa?)
To win any war, we need allies. I imagine a lot of us are subscribed to BuyEuropean, I wonder if it might be worthwhile to also create a third community, /BuyUnAmerican or somesuch and try to find replacements for as much as possible?
Happy to help however I can!
My suggestions have mostly been more on the attacking the American market side of things, so:
Switching browsers, or barring that, the search function from Google to DuckDuckGo (and the browser to Opera if they’re ready for that step.)
Leaving facebook/insta, but if that’s not an option, following John Oliver’s advice for making themselves less valuable: https://www.johnoliverwantsyourraterotica.com/
For skincare etc, Deciem/The Ordinary. For bulk stuff like deodorant, soap etc, looking for Unilever instead of one of the American conglomerates like Proctor and Gamble etc.
I think you might be missing a few things.
First, sure there’s probably some minor feedback but really, outside of luxury goods (which neither Apple or Google are at this point) more customers is seen as better by investors/the market.
Yes, the market is all theatre but amazingly, it’s theatrics to which a great deal of attention is paid. The more share prices of magnificent 7 stocks drop, the more that affects those who have actual power and influence.
Heck, forget abandoning smartphones, living in a cave would be the ultimate way to not contribute to America. But most folks want to balance their morals with a functional life, which for many includes a smartphone.
If you want to slap back, instead of trying desperately to convince maybe a handful of folks to switch to dumb phones over tarrifs, much better to help a lot of people make incremental but helpful changes.
Totally fair, but maybe we advocate for pirating it? I agree with you it’s important to know what the enemy is thinking etc (also, in less apocalyptic terms, I agree with JSM “He who knows only his own side of the case knows little of that.”) but I don’t wouldn’t advocate people pay and support those American companies.
Man, Ukraine needs to stop goading Russia by having so many innocent civilians.
/s just in case I guess?
When you gear an entire economy to war, you simultaneously run the risk of economic collapse and conquering. It’s what happened to the Soviet Union in '89, the economy was in shambles but militarily they were still a powerhouse.