Hah, fair enough. I was using that more as the generic “go do something that’s not just reading Reddit posts on a computer all day”. But I have also been hiking!
Hah, fair enough. I was using that more as the generic “go do something that’s not just reading Reddit posts on a computer all day”. But I have also been hiking!
This appears to be the correct link: https://getaether.net/
Seems more similar to Discord imo.
While I can’t speak to the mental health mentioned in this post, I used to read all the time, but by the time high school years hit that dwindled and I could barely read a chapter without wanting to do something else. I think that social media really took a toll on my attention span (though I can’t prove that).
What helped me was making a book club with some friends of mine! When I had a deadline in place where if I didn’t finish chapters at a set time (otherwise I wouldn’t be able to properly have a conversation about it with them) that really helped motivate me. This also had the added benefit of exposing me to books I wouldn’t normally read (this is how I was introduced to House of Leaves). I still don’t dive deep into a book as easily as I used to, but it has been improving and like anything else just generally comes with practice.
Never really got into TikTok myself, always just seemed like a worse version of Vine. But I’m also not the target demographic so there’s that.