Peppermint OS!!! running it right now and its SMOOTH! lightweight and looks sexy while doing it!
Just a Government hating, free market supporting, gun toting maniac!
Peppermint OS!!! running it right now and its SMOOTH! lightweight and looks sexy while doing it!
Agreed! I wanna try wearing a ivay cap or bowler hat but the problem is, I’m 24 not 84 so I think id get alot of stares.
Great, and meme sub going political again.
Don’t worry, both of them will loose.
As a guy that had his inner ear literally scooped out, I can confirm custom ear plugs are a MUST HAVE for anyone. I use mine for swimming and places with a shit ton of dust cuz I can’t get water or other stuff in my ears or it makes them really hard for the doc to clean. They also just look really cool and I managed to get a few of my friends to get some as well.
I’m sorry, WTF!? This is why we need private protection.
I fail to believe a company that is so focused on being in line to whatever is politically correct, would allow Nazis onto their platform. HELL I don’t believe ANY social media that wants a good rep would allow Nazis. They must be getting angry at people for having an opinion and jumping straight to “THEIR A FUCKING NAZI!”
I did not read the article just the title so I don’t even know why I’m commenting.
Have a huge vynl collection, family doesn’t understand why I can’t just stream my music. They’ll never know the sweet sound of vynl.
No problem bro, wasint till I was 13 that I started using the internet.
Yes, it was a joke, and a bad one at that lol. I’m not THAT dumb, it was a reference to the dead internet post where the writer starts off by saying “the web is dead, long live the internet” saying how the “web” or internet on the early 200’s has become so corprotized and whit washed that its more bots then humans at this point.
Its not the web anymore bro. It the Internet. But hopefully we can change that!
Might I recommend simple screen recorder? Its what I use and it works great!
That they shouldn’t be shown to young kids? Yes. I’m a huge horror movie buff and play a ton of violent video games(see people playground/tf2) and I’d neverlet my kid consume that content till he is old enough(17) then he can view that stuff, and if that includes drag, then so be it!
I get that, but I’m talking about the US not the UK.
I’m not saying ban em, I’m saying keep drag out of spaces where children frequent.
Before I got thunder I used jerboa. It has a bug where when I backspaced it would squish the text together making me have to go and respace my text.
I have no problem with drag. Where I start to have a BIG problem is when kids are dragged (lol) into it. In the us drag shows, at least I feel, are more adult oriented, and when you start showing kids something that they are clearly uncomfortable with and shouldn’t even have been shown to begin with. That’s where I draw the line. Keep it to adult only places, not schools and libraries where kids can be exposed to it.
Fuck off man, let the bro post his memes in peace.