Can’t stop laughing. Just had a serious conversation about complex sentences and words. I showed this article as part of the conversation. Now I can’t stop laughing.
Enjoying the great vista of the Fedisphere.
Can’t stop laughing. Just had a serious conversation about complex sentences and words. I showed this article as part of the conversation. Now I can’t stop laughing.
My sincere condolences for the near future of Americans, and especially for my and their close friends and family.
It’s actually designed for rain, and adapted for the extreme rains expected with the torrents and downpours resulting from climate change. It looks nice upstream, and the work will continue downstream where there are currently porous drain planes and culverting.
The picture looks like it’s AI generated for a The Onion piece. 😂
The Erasmus program enabled a lot of Britons to study abroad and widen their perspectives. I think it brought a whole lot of benefits to the UK, and while it obviously benefited almost every youth participating in it, I think that the UK as a whole probably benefited the most.
The article was very well written. Unfortunately, 90% of the people I’d forward it to would be TLDR…
Except the bystander effect mentioned in the “original” Kitty case is not the same as a shocked “We’re here and what the fuck just happened in the last two seconds!?”.
I’ve been an eye witness, and it’s a serious difference between “a few seconds of something horrible happening” and “wtf, someone is doing prolonged horrible deeds and murdering someone”.
Sorry, I was just making a pun, I should have written Death. It’s the character Death from Terry Pratchett’s Discworld books, he’s helping out as the Hogfather.
Where’s father christmas? All I see is death.
A couple of seconds searching confirmed that it’s goji berry.
Year, maybe Ryan Air could do with a one-drink-per-seat limit, as the main issue is usually the passengers that get drunk ON the flight. Worst flights have been from the UK, Ireland and from Poland. Maybe Ryan Air could stop serving alcohol ON these flights?
Jokes aside, stop flying Ryan Air.
Oh my. Would love to see the original image as it is, will GoogleDuckduckgo it.
Is that a young Margareth Thatcher, the betrayer of Britain?
Fresh produce usually has bugs and larvae in it, and it can be hard to entirely get rid of when you serve huge amounts. I usually buy organic produce. Being disgusted with your food just because it might seem to have been from somewhere in nature… that is such a foreign concept to me. However , if they had maggots or larvae in food that shouldn’t have it naturally, that is seriously disgusting.
Made up stories… by the BBC? By the police? By the perpetrator?
Cows are big, strong and heavy, and docile dogs can also kill. Any kind of caution around things large or feisty enough to kill you is healthy.
Looks like something from my dreams from a few weeks ago. Really interesting, thank you for sharing.
Well, the standard recommended work hours would be 08-17 (8 AM to 5 PM), with one hour unpaid lunch, so 8 hours paid. And you can take those paid breaks, or even combine them with lunch. Most places (that don’t have shifts, scheduled appointments or aren’t school or health care related) allow for this kind of flexibility.
My current work place has 39 hours a week during the half year during or close to winter and around 37 hours during the summer or the months adjoining summer. Then again, most people tend to flex actual hours worked, e.g. working 4 hours on Monday and Friday, and working more hours during the same week or compensating for it later. But you HAVE to take at least 30 minutes of lunch, and the workplace tries to enforce the paid breaks as well. So some, like me, take an hour off for lunch, but use our half hour unpaid lunch and add on breaks 2x15 with pay (which is billed to our clients, as we’re legally entitled to). So I can show up anywhere between 06:30 and 11:00 (as long as I don’t have deadlines or meetings) and decide how I want to dispose the hours of my time on schedule.
And I get 7 weeks off, paid, every year. And pad it out with overtime so that I work maybe a week of overtime and get two weeks extra off for holidays.
I just wish that Polar had a bit better quality.