Yea complexity isn’t an issue for me, just want to maximize what I can play on it and hopefully be as unlimited as possible for around 100.
Yea complexity isn’t an issue for me, just want to maximize what I can play on it and hopefully be as unlimited as possible for around 100.
Want to play anything that doesn’t have ads like everything on the phone. No real preference on orientation, small enough to fit in my coat pocket, liked my Vita years ago.
Nothing, but I’ve been thinking about picking something like these up, are they what you’d recommend?
I could be wrong but as I understand it. You know magnetism based on positive and negative poles, now they can read and write SPIN, which is another property of electrons (that are in everything, even things nonmagnetic). If it’s true, and scales, we could use non-ferrous better materials to achieve what we do currently with ferrous materials.
I have a sol-ark and like it though this is concerning. In this case it’s dyne on dyne branded and sol-ark has nothing to do with it, as far as we are aware.
If you don’t care about the pretty graphs and data points and just want it to do it’s job, then getting whatever inverter you want and not connecting to the net solves this problem. Alternatively, locking down traffic to and from this device is something I’ll be looking at.
There are dozens of us! Dozens!
Right? I fly rc as a hobby and seeing this stuff which looks almost identical to my fpv feeds is bizarre.
Ha! Thanks. I’m sure my old English teachers would be proud… and surprised.
As a fledgling astrophotographer, I think that is awesome! Great job!
Okay, it wasn’t just me.
Water bottle that auto seals and is easy to clean.