I am not pro trans. Because I think anything that is being pushed as an Agenda is not in everyones best interest. Except of course for the medical industry has more people it can leech off of.
I am not pro trans. Because I think anything that is being pushed as an Agenda is not in everyones best interest. Except of course for the medical industry has more people it can leech off of.
fuck us politics.
Non of them ever adress the actual issues.
The declining middle class.
That you are just an industrial war machine that has to constantly be in war.
That you are ruled by wall street.
Elden Ring OST, Godskin Apostles
The Irony is that they have bernie sanders but because they bend over to AIPAC they dont want Bernie.
its because there are no communities anymore. capitalism posioned the nuclear family and communities.
OP Please see this :
not if you got AIPAC
the Earth is huge go start over. People die crossing borders. No one wants to cross a border into a warzone.
How is looking out for yourself cowardly ? Especially with what Israel is doing.
how is telling someone to weather themselves mean or an anti social fuck ? The problem is literally you boxing yourself in and not acquiring social skills.
Maybe your hobby should be avoiding being an anti social fuck and go weather your self on the seas of social communication
in my lane unbothered.
Same, sometimes I even move my mouth when I talk to myself if I am too engaged in my internal dialogue. Freaks my wife out sometimes.
You will own nothing and be happy.
This is why sites like lemmy are important.
We need to put an end to corporate tyranny.
Humans in power are too egocentric to not be kept in check.
Fun Fact, if it tastes sweet you have an exteme case of diabetes.
Which is a plus since you are fucked up enough to drink your own piss.
I bet its related to the continuous need to liquidate resources to support the proxy war effort. You can’t print money withour offering some value.
time for users to shred their comments and posts
Well yes.
any idea how reddit keeps banning my alt accounts ? I am suspecting chrome broswser is complicit.
like they will ever let him run. He is anti Israel, guess which lobby doesn’t like him ?