There are only two genders: smash and pass
There are only two genders: smash and pass
Here you go:
People calling themselves anarchists seem to reliably be less of a red flag than when they call themselves communists.
I think there’s a lot of sentiment to sympathize with and a lot of ideas to learn about.
Implementation of anarchism seems hard and maybe sometimes a bit naïve, but on the other hand I don’t actually understand the specifics nor is there any one opinion.
Anarvhism refers to a vlass of ideologies moreso than any one in specific.
May I introduce you to SCION future internet architecture
Terrible how they decieve us
It’s a bit of am acquired taste but beers are by far not all created equal. There’s a stupid amount of diversity and large differences.
But if you don’t enjoy it don’t feel the need to force yourself.
But lunduke doesn’t hate Linux. Only the fact that women are using it.
I’m just confused (and maybe a bit disturbed)
Idk man, a good chunk of these are just sorta not that associated with their origins anymore. A lot of insults are historically demeaning towards certain groups (especially poor people).
I think the main difference is that while a graphical session can work through some issurs, a file system is not allowed to fail under any circumstances. The bar is way higher and stability a lot more important.
Of those I’be personally tried, certainly chimera linux or mageia
nah, I’m sorry but stadiums are literally designed for people to be as packed as possible. especially a full stadium is incomparable especially once you take into account just how many people there are in there. in normal living (like regular size apartments or offices). If you do the math (just in terms of plain building area) for the Santiago Bernabéu Stadium in Madrid, then you get to something like 4.7 m^2 per occupant (assuming staff numbers are negligible and that attendance is at capacity (which historically it’s been overshot by as much as 50%)). A 5m^2 apartment is pretty small. this is maybe the size of a small bathroom or less than half the area of a single parking space in france. (less than a 3rd of a US one). Now is this enough space for people in a dense public place? yes. Is it. is it enough space to work or live in? not really. I mean it can be done but now we’re looking at japanese microapartment sizes.
point being. this is not that great a comparison even just in how it’s perceived by an average onlooker.
I can get on board with that