Been using arch with DWM for a decade, why would I want to try anything else?
Been using arch with DWM for a decade, why would I want to try anything else?
What’s hard to do is the engine, you can just take gecko or webkit and make your own browser. I doubt Mozilla’s AI ventures will affect gecko, probably just the browser itself.
That’s exactly what the vast majority of AUR packages do already? You can also apply modifications to the compilation process if needed.
There are plenty of places where not having a car isn’t even a possibility. If I didn’t have a car, not only would I be unable to work, I’d probably also starve to death, or perhaps have to eat gas station food the rest of my life.
Is that just a backup of the old one or does it still get updated?
It’s probably all in the registry somewhere.
I didn’t say her in particular, I didn’t even watch that fight. But as the world transitions to treating the genders as no longer binary, doesn’t it make sense to change the binary gender sports rules as well?
Oh I didn’t know that. But yeah I don’t have BIOS access, even if it was a registry key I couldn’t do it. It’s fine though, for now I always plug in another mouse/keyboard/monitor and forget that laptop exists.
I don’t want to disqualify anyone, I want them to compete with people at their level. It has nothing to do with women, this should be done to men too, and everyone else.
For sure, I have no clue how all that works but there has got to be a better way to do it than just separating by genders.
I think because you can have a normal T-level currently but have a more “manly” body because of past T-level. How would they test it in these scenarios, I do not know.
I could get used to it just for control, but pressing ctrl-shift without fn is very awkward, especially since it’s a shortcut I have to use a lot. And then there’s the fact that I unlearn it everyday with my keyboard at home.
Honestly we might just need a different metric than gender to separate sports. Something like testosterone level or something, similar to weight classes. Because no matter how you look at it, this isn’t really fair for their opponents, regardless of gender. But then again, there’s also other body differences that might not have anything to do with current testosterone level, so I don’t know.
Years after using one for work, I still cannot get used to having Ctrl not being the leftmost key.
Right but most people have no clue, they’ll go to their local store which I guarantee you doesn’t have Linux computers. Online buyers will go on amazon and buy from “known and reputable” brands like Asus, Dell and such. Don’t get me wrong, I love linux and have been using it as my main OS for nearly a decade but to say it’s easy to get/install for your average user is just wrong. Everyone always overestimates what the average user is actually like. Your average user doesn’t even know what an OS or Linux even is.
The issue is that you have to install it. Most users don’t have a clue how to install windows either, but it came with their PC.
Most workplaces have those disabled through the group policy editor and the likes. I’ve never seen a single ad on my work laptop. Cortana, copilot and all that crap are also disabled by default.
Why? There was a time when chrome was significantly better, and most people hate change.
Sa aide pas que 90% dla TV que ben du monde ont grandis avec avant l’internet etait en francais de france. Jte dis derniere fois chu allé a Montreal chu resté surpris comment lmonde parle ben. Pas comme en france, mais pas ben loin…
What anti trans laws are you refering to? I wasn’t aware of that.