Nothing ever does!
Nothing ever does!
Death Stranding
I still have dreams about that masterpiece of a game. There’s just so few like it.
I mean… I swore a whole lot more playing real sports than I do playing esports.
Perfectly succinct.
Okay, what the hell was that? lol
Damn, you’re right… this is more of an issue than I realized.
Brilliant! It was so obvious the whole time.
Marginally better… like from a 7 to a 6.8. 😉
At least left and right are correct in that regard. 😏
You better put some water on that damn shit!
Lol, suuuuuuuuuuuuure it is.
I hate to say it, but that looks like a pretty small truck.
Source: I’m Texan but don’t hold it against me.
Such an iconic scene, but I never would have thought that when I first watched it for some reason.
6 hours of work for a Domino’s pizza is pretty damn insane.
Swap your first date with 2010 and that’s the Reddit experience in a nutshell, lol.
He’s right, you know… no smart and successful business owner wants to ensure their employees’ happiness.
/s <- do we need these over here? Lol
Would the ignorant become well informed?
I have my doubts.
HTTP beat Gopher in part because Gopher was owned by a university that wanted to charge money for it.
I was not aware of any of this… I’ll have to read up on it as it sounds fascinating. So many people are unaware of how things came to be.
Oh man, it’s like seeing an image of an old dream!