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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 28th, 2023


  • I looked up the full article about his case and they wrote that the shaving happened because he has to walk on a treadmill to help him loose weight. They submerged that treadmill under some water to help ease stress on the poor cat’s joints. They also take him getting stuck as a good sign because he used to be so fat he wasn’t able to move at all and his attempt at escape is proof that he’s becoming more energetic.

  • With raw meat you always have to be careful. If it’s super fresh cats can eat fish/chicken raw. However if you’re not sure about how fresh it is I’d definitely steam it because salmonella is a thing.

    There’s special raw meat (chicken mainly) sold as food quality for cats l where I live and that one I’m feeding to my cats raw: They adore it.

    However when I just buy chicken in the supermarket I’m always steaming it before chopping off some pieces for my cats because I can’t be sure about there maybe being bacteria or so that really should be heated to death first. There’s differences in how much the stores and such have to pay attention when labeling something “food quality in raw” vs “food quality after properly heating up”.

  • That works but… I rather keep that as absolute last resort possibility. It’s not something the cat enjoys for sure and I rather have my furmily members as happy as possible at all times. They’re a bit like kids in that regard: sweeten things up for them and suddenly they’re not (as) horrible anymore. And fighting against a child/cat that absolutely doesn’t want to is not a battle you win easily.

    I once had a cat that trusted me enough to just eat the pill as is straight out of my hand but he was an absolute exception in every way possible. Ofc he too got treats after taking his meds.

  • Depending on the cat you might have success hiding pills in treats. I always have some frozen raw chicken for my cats (actually food quality for cats, not whatever I would buy for myself which needs cooking first). I make sure that’s thawed up and room temperature, then roll it into a little ball with the pill inside so my cats can just nom it without coming into direct contact with the pill. There’s also some liver paste treat thing I know but my current cats are not a fan.

    As for what you can do for your cat: Watch her and see if she wants something specific. If she acts as if something is completely abnormal check in with the vet again. But overall the aftermath should be pretty smooth sailing from the one case I experienced myself.