Yes I didn’t even know the fediverse was a thing
Uh I uh hi
Just another Reddit refugee.
Yes I didn’t even know the fediverse was a thing
True fragmentation seems like it would be a huge issue.
Also allowing easy exporting/migrating between instances should be possible.
From my understanding (having literally discovered lemmy and the fediverse like an hour ago) mastodon supports things like grouping and account migration, so I assume it should be possible with lemmy?
Also I’ll be honest I have no idea what mastodon is.
I mean I didn’t even know what the fuck lemmy was nevermind that the fediverse is a thing
Also wondering this how this would work
Edit: It seems that migration between instances isn’t yet implemented in lemmy at least.
It really would be. This seems like such a glaring issue for a decentralised/federalised system like lemmy.