Jimmy “I invented the Contras and moved them posing as Red Cross” Carter?
Jimmy “I invented the Contras and moved them posing as Red Cross” Carter?
What about Guardian Tales ?(if you are into Zelda like RPG)
Manjaro, is that you?
I always do that, dammit! I haven’t started my self hosting of everything only because somebody else has my old laptop that I want to use as server. But I have no fucking idea of nothing related to that, and, meanwhile, I’m studying a PhD. Because, you know, is a great idea to learn server stuffs while you break your brain studying social sciences
My friend, you are a squirrel… Let’s hope those keys grow to create new baby houses
Out of sight out of mind, so chaos is where I thrive… At least I loose lot less things if them all are where I can see them
A… Are you a neurotypical telling us what is good for us…? Wow
People simply don’t give a fuck. Unless the product isn’t mediocre, they could bomb kids as far as they care (unless it appears as a scandal, and they feel morally pushed to move on)
It’s not a VB problem. I have the same issue with other programs too in Endeveaour OS. It appears that when you turn off the machine sometime a program get “stuck” and will keep auto starting itself without reason. The first time it happened to me it went away after an update, but now I’m having Firefox and Strawberry starting themselves just because they feel it.
My hypothesis is that if you shutdown the machine without closing a program it gets stuck. How to get rid of it? I still have no idea
I think we could learn so much if this ends in a total wipe out of some billionaires… Let’s hope for the best for science, and then do some replication studies with more billionaires to be sure all variables stay the same
And is running in the most inefficient way possible
Such a Rev2!
I’m just in trial mode. I tried to quit in January, but randomness stoped it. Now I’m just testing if there is something worth it. So far, is not that good, but I’m still halfway the trial.
I use KDE,btw
Hannah Montana Linux is the past, RebeccaBlackOS is the future!!