TrudeauCastroson [he/him]

  • 1 Post
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: October 6th, 2021


  • I don’t really need the locally trained AI to recognize general handwriting, only my own.

    I could provide a few pages of my own training data (maybe write out a few pages of “quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” and other stuff like that), and then ideally it flags stuff it’s unsure about and I clarify some more. Maybe find garbled nonsensical sentences, realize it’s probably a mistake, and try and fix it.

    I assumed the leaps in AI would have taken care of this by now, since detecting handwritten letters from touch pen-strokes existed in the 90s. But I guess handing it a chunk of text is too different of a problem, instead of feeding it stroke by stroke?

  • If you’re a convenience store but pallets of Coca Cola, then they kind-of can. They can just blacklist you from buying Coca Cola in the foreign country.

    It’s also different because they’re selling you continuous access one month at a time instead of a physical good you drink and they can’t take away from you. I’ve been to places where service costs are lower for locals than for tourists, and this is told to you outright. Stuff like museums, taxis, etc. It’s a similar idea YouTube has.

    Prices are also almost never based on cost, they’re based on what people will pay.

    I live in Canada, and cars are more expensive here than in the USA. US dealerships near the border refuse to sell new cars to Canadians, even though it’s legal for everyone as long as you make sure to pay duties on the way back. I’m guessing each brand has some rule against it.

    Ultimately VPN users aren’t a protected class so it’s legal to discriminate.

  • RIP Watch Underscore Dogs.

    It’s weird not paying attention to gaming for a while, and then seeing that we don’t really have AAA open-world games that are that much better than the late Xbox 360 versions of that genre. How is far-cry still going?

    It’s like if Nintendo kept releasing level packs for Mario (like the Japan version of SMB2) instead of making new ones that are actually different. If they were Ubisoft they would’ve kept making SM64 levels and SMW levels with maybe a few added mechanics like how romhacks work.

  • I’ve learned about group theory and isomorphisms, I’ve looked into how the incompleteness theorems work in depth in formal education.

    All that made me do was run away from math for a while because everything is overwhelming, it feels like learning civil engineering by looking at a giant 18th century cathedral, having to learn every part of how to build it, and then building it yourself, and then moving on to more and more buildings until you can derive how to build a skyscraper by yourself.

    Maybe I’m ready to get back into heavy math and should read the book, idk. Maybe I missed the forest for the trees that I’ve studied, so I missed out on some beauty by trying to analyze how every single tree works.

  • The reason this corvid study is different from intuitively knowing that 10-10=no berries is where this 0/empty set is represented on the numberline.

    Considering 0 as a number vs the empty set are two different concepts. It’s the difference between having a bank account with $0, vs having no bank account. They don’t close your account when you have $0, so it’s still an amount of money.

    Crows considering 0 on the numberline, and differently from the empty set shows they have a more abstract concept of numbers than we thought.

    Idk who authored this study, seems like a very specific kind of person who is both into number theory and neural pathways of birds to design.