Afghanistan is called the graveyard of empires for some reason. Osama bin Ladens idea was to lure the US into a conflict and war inside Afghanistan.
I think the reason why the US left behind alot of modern weapons in Afghanistan is probaly for a war or terrorist attacks against Russia/China from that region.
Recently terrorist attacks on chinese nationals increased in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
You mean criticizing Israel = Terrorism
He was arrested over “Terrorism”
Evolution doesn’t answer the question where life came from or how it might have originated from non-living compounds.
After all what they have been doing for decades, people should really not wonder about anything anymore.
nope i’m not in the US but the area i live in had rarely blackouts, but i assume 90% humidity and 30°C could be a cause
reading this post during a blackout
So there is an extra module for Lsposed which hides Lsposed?
The past is a puzzle, like a broken mirror. As you piece it together, you cut yourself, your image keeps shifting. And you change with it. It could destroy you, drive you mad. It could set you free. - Max Payne 2
Unfortunately some apps refuse to work with as soon as they detect Lsposed
Could’t find any way to fix this, please let me know if there is any solution to hide Lsposed from apps peoperly
I’ve tried Raccoon, Voyager, Jerboa and Eternity. I have to say Thunder is the best client for Lemmy i’ve come across so far. Provides so many options.